The chapter title for the current and upcoming week of my experiment is entitled "SOME ARE ALMOSTERS". Unfortunately, try as I might, I've been the poster child for the almosters this week. Here's a sample of what Ms. Hoole defines as an "Almoster":"...They just don't quite make it...Their intentions are good...They spend lots of time and energy, but they don't quite reach their goals, they don't quite get the job done...This results in frustrations, wear and tear on the nerves....."ect. etc. ... View the Post
Facet No. 2 Ambition: Progress Report
So, for these past two weeks I've been working on my ambitiousness. (Is that even a word?) And I've gotten a lot done. (Cleaned out van, cleaned out closets, cleaned out storage room ,etc.)But the main thing that I'll be carrying away from the experiment with this facet is "do it now".I am the queen of putting off tasks until they are completely unreasonable or an emergency but while I've been working on ambition I have been trying to do whatever needs to be done as soon as I see the ... View the Post
Pep..what is it?
My friend recently asked me what I was supposed to be doing for the ambition facet. Well, it's hard to define but here's a few of Ms. Hoole's kernels of knowledge on the subject:"Someone once said, "Persistence-Energy-Power" and coined the word "PEP"." (I'm not so sure about this...I checked the dictionary and Webster defines pep as energy or vigor...but whatever.)"It is interesting to note as you observe ambitious people that the more one does, the more he is able to do because ENERGY GROWS ... View the Post
Caution: Ambition Can Cause Amnesia
Today began week two of the "Ambition Facet" of my experiment and I started it off right...kind of...almost...not really...I got up early, made the bed, sorted the laundry, started the laundry, went through a pile of paper work, and then woke up the kids. I got Simon dressed, fed, and ready for school, and then proceeded out side to clean out the mini van while waiting for his car pool to arrive.We waited and waited and I cleaned and cleaned and then at 9:12 (school starts at 9:15) I realize ... View the Post
Ambition…who needs it?
Today I've gotten up and ready, filled up the van at the gas station, gone to Target, Costco, Ross, and Wal-Mart. Then I cleaned a bathroom and reorganized the pantry. After that I made dinner for a neighbor and helped my husband get things ready for a bachelor's party here at my house. Then I took my kids to McDonald's and to a meeting at the Elementary school. Next we came home and wrapped some wedding gifts then sent the kids to bed. Now I am leaving to go help decorate for the wedding ... View the Post
Faucet No.2 Another “A”
"An ideal homemaker is ambitious and enthusiastic through application of the law that how one feels emotionally greatly determines how she feels physically."---Ms. HooleLooks like these next two weeks are all about ambition. Whew!That wore me out. I'm going to lay down.Really. I am.Right now.Good night.(I don't have to start being ambitious until tomorrow.)-z ... View the Post