Today is the last day of our "What I Wish I'd Known When I Started Sewing Series". We know there are so many sewing tips, tricks, and techniques that we didn't cover...but hopefully this gave you a good spring board to use to jump into the new year and start sewing. And we promise we will continue to sprinkle these kinds of posts into our regular posts through out the up coming year. Now, before we jump into today's topic we just wanted to give you a little heads up....tomorrow we have a ... View the Post
What I Wish I’d Known When I Started Sewing: Melissa from the Polka Dot Chair
Today we have an extra special guest as a part of our "What I Wish I'd Known When I Started Sewing Series". It's our friend Melissa from the Polka Dot Chair. We've been lucky enough to spend a lot of time with Melissa...talking, eating, sewing...all even though we live hundreds of miles apart. She is warm, fun, and the kind of person that you not only want to be friends with...but to sew with as well! So we are so very happy to have her here today sharing some of her sewing advice with us. ... View the Post
Something that I’ve been working on…
I know it's ok...but I have a hard time doing it... However, I am working on it. -liZ ... View the Post
Some People Go To ALT to Network…Some People Go To ALT to Sew Men’s Stretchy Pants…We Are of the Pants Persuasion
Let me explain.... No wait. It's too weird...and it doesn't make any sense. Let's just do this: I am going to tell you a story. A true story. A strange story that involves swants, gold spandex, faux fox fur, Instagram, a guy named Stone, and of course Elizabeth and I. And hopefully you know us well enough by now that when I say Elizabeth and I and a story you understand that of course its going to be strange and you won't find any amount of gold spandex and faux fur unnatural. Now, with ... View the Post
One Girls Guide to Gorgeous Gathering (How to Gather)
How to Gather: Today we are going to continue our "What I Wish I'd Known When I Started Sewing" series with a day dedicated to gathering. Because we like big skirts and full dresses we kind of have gathering down to a science so we are excited to share with you a technique that we use ALL THE TIME. Now before we show you how to gather we want to talk a little bit about what gathering is. Gathering is a technique that helps control fabric fullness. It is a process that draws a given ... View the Post
How To Thread Your Sewing Machine & How To Wind A Bobbin (with 2 videos)
How to Thread Your Sewing Machine & How to Wind A Bobbin: 2 Easy Tutorials's the deal...I'm no Martha Stewart. I'm not even Julia Child. (Although I do talk kooky, occasionally appear to be a little tipsy, and enjoy good cooking.) But I did make some videos. I'm not saying they are great...but if you want to see a simple demonstration on how to thread a sewing machine or how to wind a bobbin they'll do in a pinch. So here they are: How To Wind A Bobbin (using your sewing ... View the Post