A Pocket Oreo Fudge Recipe
Since returning to teaching I’ve been treated to a junior high delicacy, so scrumptious, that I don’t feel like I can keep the recipe all to myself…..I like to call this masterpiece of junior high ingenuity “Pocket Oreo Fudge”.
And you know, I’ve never seen…or tasted anything quite like it.

So without further ado….here’s how you too can make Pocket Oreo Fudge :
Step 1: Pull some Oreos out of your backpack during lunch. (Preferably during a junior high lunch period.)
Step 2: Make sure not to wash your hands. (Because you are 13…and why would you?)
Step 3: Take those Oreos and smash them onto the lunch room table. Smash and smash, with your hand or your phone or a library book, until the Oreos turn into paste.
Step 4: Pour some milk (from your friend’s milk carton) into the Oreo paste if you are feeling like the Oreo paste isn’t goopy enough.
Step 5: Scrap the Oreo paste off of the table and into a plastic bag. (Note: Any plastic bag will do…the one you had your sandwich or apple slices in will be just fine.)
Step 6: Put the plastic bag in your pants pocket and let it “cook” for a period or two.
Step 7: When the Oreo paste gets nice and squishy pull it out of the bag and roll it into little balls of Oreo goodness on your desktop.
Step 8: Enjoy with your favorite teacher.
Pocket Oreo Fudge Questions and Answers:
Q: Have students really made this?
A: Yes, more than once.
Q: Have I really eaten this?
A: Yes, more than once.

The amount of strange food that I am given everyday is kind of amazing.
But, those who give it to me are sharing it with their whole heart. They are sharing what they made, are proud of, and are excited about.
So when I get a handful of something I try it, and smile, and gush over it….and pray to the Gods that I won’t get food poisoning.
I love my crazy kids.
I’m writing this on a Friday after school.
Among other things, this week my students gifted me with homemade chapstick, hearts made from gum wrappers, several drawings to hang on the wall, a bag of Cheez-Its, some old Halloween candy, a handful of Takis, and a partially used arcade gift card.
I never know what I’m going to get but I appreciate all the little gifts and I absolutely adore all the givers.