Over the past year I have spent a lot of time in waiting rooms, in hospital rooms, and in vehicles with various family members. During this time I learned a lot about my family members….I mean I thought I already knew practically everything about them but I was wrong!
For example I realized that one of my brothers eats just like me…meaning that at a meal he eats all of one item before eating any of another item. I do the same thing…and I don’t like my different foods to touch. Is that normal? Probably not. But somewhere someone is reading this and saying, “Me too!”
SOOOOoooooo I started thinking……Every year I like to come up with a game to play at family events during the holidays.
Sometimes they are more organized like this Holiday version of Family Feud but many of them are just fun questions that can be asked around the dinner table or over some after feast beverages while sitting around on the couch…like the Hallmark Holiday Movie or Not Game or the Would You Rather Holiday Edition Game.
And I started to think that this year I should do another game that fits in with the later group…….fun questions that can be asked while sitting around enjoying one another’s company….questions that make me say ME TOO! or NO WAY THAT’s CRAZY and so I got to work and I call the result Normal or Not.

Here’s how to play:
Print out the questions that you can download from HERE and print out for free.
Take turns reading the questions that ask….is it normal or not?
And then…have fun debating if it is normal or not.
Oh, and don’t worry…the questions are all non inflammatory. Controversial, sure…but in a fun and light hearted way.
Here is a sample question from the list:
Is it normal to sleep with your feet outside of the blanket?
Here’s another one:
Is it normal to have a favorite burner on the stove?
And another:
Is it normal to clap at the end of a movie in a cinema?
See…something that can spark a lively conversation but not ruin friendships over.
So if you want the whole list of questions just click HERE and print them out.
And if you need any other holiday gathering games just click HERE to get to a post with links and descriptions to more low key games.
Happy holiday debating!