September Book List: Non-Fiction Reads

When school gets back in session I always want to dive into some good Non-Fiction reads.
Ok, let’s be honest, I am always up for some good Non-Fiction reads…but as summer comes to a close I’m especially looking for something Non-Fiction to get my hands onto.
Because Non-Fiction is admittedly my favorite genre I had a hard time keeping this list short….but I did narrow it down to an even dozen. Each of the books on this list are very different from each other and so hopefully there is something for everyone….funny, sad, self-help, memoirs…each interesting in their own wonderful way.
The Stranger in the Woods:

I just read this book last month. Fascinating! A man walks out of society and proceeds to live alone in the woods for decades….only recently being discovered.
Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl:

I read this book as a junior high student, roughly the same age as Anne when she wrote her diary. I reread this book again this spring and as a mother of a daughter the same age as Anne it was an entirely different experience. It made an impact on me years ago…and then even more so a few months ago. (Note: If you have a chance to watch “A Small Light” on Hulu or Disney+ you should give it a watch…but bring your tissues.)

A book about death and cadavers? Yes. And it is informative and hilarious (that’s right, hilarious) and I just love it. I’ve read it more than once!
The Little Book of Hygge:

This book, as crazy as it sounds, changed my life. I love the concept of Hygee and am always looking for ways to make both my home and my classroom more hyggely. (And one day am determined to visit The Happiness Institute.).
*Note: If you are interested in this book can I suggest you listen to it? It is read by the author and his voice is like butter.
When Hitler Took Cocaine and Lenin Lost His Brain:

If you love random factoids told with humor then you will love this book. I listened to it while cutting and sewing a quilt and it made for the perfect soundtrack.
The Boys in the Boat:

My brother suggested this book a few years back and I couldn’t imagine being interested in a rowing team from almost 100 years ago but…I was wrong. The book is sweet and sad and inspiring and I couldn’t stop talking about it. My high school son even got interested and read it. It is a great read.
Furiously Happy:

This book is hilarious and irreverent and so relatable. It does curse a lot…so if that isn’t your jam then this isn’t the read for you. But if you feel like you are going crazy and need to feel understood give this book a try.
The Prize Winner of Defiance, Ohio:

Written by her daughter, this book details how one woman navigated raising a family in the most amazing way under less than ideal circumstances.
The Last Lecture:

How do you prepare for the end of your life? What is most important? What do you leave behind? I love this book…but you will need an entire box of tissues.
A Thousand Naked Strangers:

What’s it like to drive an ambulance in a busy urban area? This book was fun and sad and crazy and exhausting all in one recommendable read.
On Writing-A Memoir of the Craft:

Whether you are a fan of Stephen King or not this book was well written and so interesting. How ideas come, why to write, the process of writing, etc. It was thoroughly enjoyable.
The Gentle Art of Swedish Death Cleaning:

I have recommended this book to everyone in my family. It is sweet and funny but also full of wonderful, useful, and doable advice. It sounds morbid but it is anything but.
So there you have it our September Book List: Non-Fiction Reads with a dozen Non-Fiction reads that I love.
I could list a dozen more right now but I’m restraining myself. However…..I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to know what your favorite Non-Fiction books are! I am ALWAYS on the prowl for more Non-Fiction reads.
*If you need more options you can find a short list of autobiographies and memoirs to read HERE.