August Book List: Talk to the Animals
We are late! I blinked and August is almost half way over and I haven’t posted a reading list for this month! So let’s get to it!

This month we are reading books with animals as the main characters so I have put together a list of 5 of my favorites reads….along with one that I have on hold.
Here they are:
#1. Charlottes Web

This has always been one of my favorite books. I read it almost every summer. Charlotte is one of my very favorite literary characters of all time.
“It is not often that someone comes along who is a true friend and a good writer.”
#2. The Wild Robot

My youngest read this with her 5th grade class and liked it so much that we had to go buy it and read it together at home. I wasn’t interested in the story….but then we started reading….and I fell in love with Roz the Robot who finds herself stranded on an island and suddenly becoming a mother.
“But I do not know how to act like a mother.” “Oh, it’s nothing, you just have to provide the gosling with food and water and shelter, make him feel loved but don’t pamper him too much, keep him away from danger, and make sure he learns to walk and talk and swim and fly and get along with others and look after himself. And that’s really all there is to motherhood!”
#3. The Tale of Despereaux

I know this was on our list from last month of books that will take you on a quest..but…it is just so cute I couldn’t have a list of books with animals as the main characters and leave this one off.
“Because you, mouse, can tell Gregory a story. Stories are light. Light is precious in a world so dark. Begin at the beginning. Tell Gregory a story. Make some light.”
#4. Scary Stories for Young Foxes

I just finished this book and thoroughly enjoyed it. I listened to it as an audio book over two days as I was setting up my classroom. It is a beautifully woven tale that is sad and scary and heartwarming all at once.
“All scary stories have two sides… Like the bright and dark of the moon. If you’re brave enough to listen and wise enough to stay to the end, the stories can shine a light on the good in the world. They can guide your muzzles.”
#5. The Life of Pi

There is a terrible storm at sea…a ship goes down…one person survives…but he is not alone. This book was such a good read…remembering moments from the tale makes me want to read it all over again.
“It is true that those we meet can change us, sometimes so profoundly that we are not the same afterwards, even unto our names.”
*Remarkably Bright Creatures

I have not read Remarkably Bright Creatures but am on the wait list for it….I know it involves octopi and I have only heard good things….can’t wait to read it!
What animal books have you enjoyed???
For another book list you can check out THIS POST all about books that have won awards.