Fusion Quilt
So there I am looking at some photos on my phone from last summer when I run across a pocket of quilt photos….photos of a quilt that I didn’t even remember making!
What I found is a version of a quilt pattern that I made awhile back but have never released that I called the “Fusion Quilt”.

I called this pattern the Fusion Quilt because it was designed to have the boldest print as the focal point and then less complicated prints as the patterned prints work their way out from the center.

This version is subtle and the fabrics (from our Modern Farmhouse fabric line with Riley Blake Designs) were chosen by the sweet high school graduate it was given to only a few days after these pictures were taken.

I’m so glad that I found these pictures!
Now, I want to whip up another one of these quilts…

…maybe one that I can use this fall as a couch quilt….and then….

…maybe, just maybe….if the stars align I will put together the pattern so you can make one too!
Happy Quilting!
PS: Does it mean I make too many quilts when I start forgetting them??? Has this happened to anyone else??? Actually, don’t answer….I don’t think I want to know. I’m living happily in my quilt addicted life….and even if you told me I quilt too much, I wouldn’t be listening….I would be down in the basement cutting out another quilt. 🙂