The Art of Homemaking: This is the Greatest Show
Three weeks ago today Simon graduated from high school.

Three weeks and 28 years ago today I graduated from high school.

At that time I would have never guessed the paths I would take and where life would lead me.
And I certainly wouldn’t have guessed that 28 years later I would be standing in the exact same place taking selfies with my son.

A few days before Simon’s graduation I attended Ruth’s graduation….Ruth is my youngest and she was graduating from elementary school.
Along with graduation came the annual end of school dance festival.
Now, I’ve been going to elementary school dance festivals for 13 years…but this one would be my last.

And, as Ruth’s class started to dance my tears started to flow.
They were dancing to the song “This is the Greatest Show”.
As I listened to the lyrics I realized it was the perfect song for me, right then, and for that week:
Oh, this is the greatest show…
It’s everything you ever want
It’s everything you ever need
And it’s here right in front of you
This is where you wanna be (this is where you wanna be)
It’s everything you ever want
It’s everything you ever need
And it’s here right in front of you (this is what you want)
This is where you wanna be
This is where you wanna be
For these past 13 years of school festivals, no wait, for these past 18 years of being a mother I have had a front row seat to the greatest show.
And I don’t regret going to a single class party, or field trip, or back to school night….or campout night, or bedtime story, or card game…because this journey has been everything I’ve ever wanted…even though I didn’t know it 28 years ago.
And standing there on a field behind the school watching my Ruth was exactly where I wanted to be be.
And my kids….they are everything I could ever want.
This has been, indeed, the greatest show.
And…what a blessing it is for me that I have been able to share so much of my show with all of you over the years here on Simple Simon.
You’ve been right here with me…and Elizabeth…as our kids have grown up.

In handmade dresses, in matching Christmas pajamas, and in costumes.

Without me planning it…you have become part of our family.
Looking back through tutorials, art of homemaking posts, and holiday celebrations I can watch my kids, and myself, grow up. And suddenly I have one more reason to love our little corner of the internet even more than I did before.
I wish I could say I was handling my kids growing up like a champ.
But I’m not…I have no idea what I am doing…and the crying that started at the dance festival went on throughout the weekend of graduation.

Luckily, I remember what an exciting time post high school was for me…and so I am excited for my Simon and all the adventures he has on the horizon.
AND….I still have all of you along with Elizabeth and many, many more escapes that are sure to come…and that we are sure to share.
Thank you for taking part in our show, thank you for joining us in our journey for more than a decade, and thank you for becoming part of the family.
We love you.
This is so sweet, it gave me goose bumps! My oldest is 21, my youngest is 6, and I can honestly say it just keeps getting better!
I’ve been on the journey for a long time with you guys (I’m thinking 13 years?!) and I too have missed The Art of Homemaking posts!