UFO to TFO: Pre-Cut Civil War Reproductions Quilt
Today I’m happy to share another UFO (UnFinished Object) that has turned into a TFO (Totally Finished Object).

Over a decade ago (yes…over a decade ago) I bought a beautiful pack of precut Civil War reproduction 5″ squares at a local fabric shop.
I’m a sucker for reproduction prints and I have opened and thumbed through that pack many times.
Now while these squares were patiently waiting on one shelf there was an entirely different set of squares…piled on a shelf…on the other side of the room.

These were some left over solid blue, precut 5″ squares left over from a time when Elizabeth and I were making loads of Gingham Quilts like THESE:

We had used up all the white and light blue squares…but there was still quite a stack of the darker blue squares just waiting to be stitched into something fabulous.
So one day as I was again thumbing through those Civil War prints I thought: what better fabric to pair them with than those Union Blue squares I had a pile of?!?
Before I even had a plan I had both sets of squares over at the sewing machine and I was cranking out the half square triangles.

Once I had paired and sewn up all the squares I cut and trimmed them into neat little half square triangles….and from there they hit the floor….where I played around with arranging them into the shape of my soon to be quilt.
After I had an arrangement that I liked I realized it was…super small…and so I was in need of a border.
Luckily I still had loads of extra blue squares. So I simply stitched them all together to create my border.

And now, instead of two random piles of 5″ squares I have a quilt that I enjoy and some extra shelf space!
That’s not to say that I don’t still have piles…piles and piles…of other 5″ squares…and 2.5″ squares….and 10″ squares….
But what I am saying is that with every UFO turned TFO I get more and more motivation to use up my fabric stash, finish up those partially finished projects, and use the supplies that I’ve already got.

Now, if only I had more time to sew….
Until then…this UFO to TFO: Pre-Cut Civil War Reproductions Quilt will be the motivation I need to find another project that is ready to be finished up!
Please tell me more about the union blue fabric! What color, what line, etc. I love it.
It is one of Riley Blake Designs confetti cottons….I love their solids!