August Reading Challenge: Stories to Stitch By

This month our challenge is: Two Word Title. Which is as simple as it sounds…read a book with a two word title.

This is another challenge that gives us soooo many good reading options!
A few of my favorite reads with two word titles include:
“Small Sacrifices” by Ann Rule (True Crime)

“Rising Strong” by Brene Brown (Self Help)

“Small Favors” by Erin A. Craig (Fairy Tale Retelling)

“The Dry” by Jane Harper (Mystery)

“Just Mercy” by Bryan Stephenson (Non Fiction)

“Stone Fox” by John Reynolds Gardiner (Young Adult Fiction)

I tried to pick a variety of different reads for a variety of different interests.
Now…for the patterns to sew up this month!
For this month I chose 2 of our Two Word Title Patterns:
The first is our Dorm Room PDF Quilt Pattern

And the second is our Modern Farmhouse PDF Quilt Pattern

Both are quick sews that work with most any prints or solids.
So that’s it! Short and sweet….just like a two word title.
Happy Stories & Stitching!