How to Cook Brussel Sprouts

I feel like Brussel Sprouts have a bad reputation….but I LOVE them. A lot!!!
I love them roasted, raw, grilled or fried. They are delicious.
Today I am sharing the simple way I cook them most often….usually on Sunday nights with our family dinner. This method is fairly quick and simple but still super tasty.
Using a bag 1lb bag of Brussel Sprouts, here’s what I do:
#1. Wash and cut each sprout in half (trimming any brown ends if necessary).

*Note: When trimming don’t trim too much off of the stems of else the leaves will fall away.
#2. Place the sprouts into a pan with about 2 Tablespoons of butter. (You can use a little more if you are a butter lover.) Saute for 2-3 minutes. The sprouts will start to turn a bright green.

*Note: More often than not I add half of a chopped yellow onion in with my Brussel Sprouts at this point. It adds a little extra flavor and makes them even more tasty!
#3. Add 1-2 cups of chicken or vegetable broth to your sprouts. Sprinkle with salt and pepper. Cover and simmer for 8-10 minutes. (Until sprouts are bright green and tender.)

#4. Uncover and cook for 2-3 more minutes to let the broth thicken.
#5. Serve and enjoy!

That’s it!
So easy.
And of course once you start making this recipe you can add other flavors that your family might enjoy…like a tablespoon of diced garlic during the saute stage….or some crumbled bacon on top just before serving.
Then…if you want one more underrated vegetable recipe you can check this one out:

It is a roasted radish recipe that we eat non-stop all summer long.
Happy eating!