Easter Egg Printables
Today we have a quick and easy last minute Easter Egg Hunt idea for you.
Recently I have noticed that what my own kids want (and even what my students in my classroom want) is more one on one time and attention.
And so while I love Easter candy (those tiny Cadbury chocolate eggs….they are MY FAVORITE) this year we are putting something in our Easter Eggs besides candy.

We are adding printed coupons to the mix.
Earlier this week I typed up some printable coupons for my kids:
Things that I know that we would both like to do together…and because I have kids in elementary, junior high, and high school those items vary….things from having a movie night to reading a story books together.

And because they way they want to spend time is different we are color coding the eggs…meaning our elementary daughter will be searching for purple eggs (that will be easier to find) while our high school son will be searching for green eggs (hidden in diabolic places that we think will be funny).

Of course we will include some candy in a few eggs and possibly some dollar bills in others…but knowing my kids and what they are thirsty for right now I think that the coupons will be the hit of the day….and I am preparing myself to sit down with my planner Easter afternoon and schedule in the times to make a crazy video with my daughter in junior high and when I can check out my teenage son from school for a lunch date.
If you would like to give the coupons a whirl I made them printable so you can use them too.
There are 2 pages worth of easter egg printables…so you can pick and choose what works for your family.
Here is page 1:

And here is page 2:

Have a good weekend and Happy Easter!
***If you are looking for more Easter inspiration you can check out THIS POST…with 12 different projects that you can sew up for Easter.