February Book Club Challenge: Love Thyself

It’s February which means it’s time for a new reading challenge!
This month the reading challenge is: Love Thyself
Sooooo…..what does that mean? That means find a self help or self reflection books that speaks to you….something that will help you love yourself better….or help you accomplish something you have been wanting to do.
This has been a rough year…18 months…seems like forever….for a lot of us.
It feels as though everyone is prickly…and on edge.
Depression and anxiety levels are at an all time high.
The world seems to have changed, which, for many of us, can feel a little disorientating and discouraging.
And I know that for me, personally, I could use a good, old fashioned pick me up…a refocus…or a new directive so I am excited to dive into a book that can give me a fresh perspective on things.
Book choices will most likely look different for each of us however, tomorrow I will share some books that have helped me along with some patterns to stitch up while you listen to them.
Until then…
Happy Reading and Happy Quilting!