Quilt Market Quilt Pattern
Today we are excited to release a new pattern….our “Quilt Market Quilt Pattern“!

I LOVE this pattern!
I wanted to create another pattern similar to our Saturday Afternoon Quilt Pattern….which I love and sew up often…a pattern that is a fun, quick sew, and a pattern that would showcase fabric prints that I adore.
And with those thoughts in mind the Quilt Market Quilt Pattern was born.
Years ago Elizabeth and I went to our first Quilt Market in Houston, Texas. I remember walking through the booths and seeing all the beautiful fabrics and displays. I remember how inspired I felt and how much I wanted to be a part of the fun.
One of the nights there we went to…I think it was called Fabric Fest (I might be mistaken)…where you could buy tickets to enter a giant room and purchase fabric from designers before it hit the stores.
It was crazy! And exciting! People everywhere…and there was SO MUCH BEAUTIFUL FABRIC!
That night, Elizabeth and I bought and shared a few bundles….bundles I never felt ready to open up and cut into.
Until recently.
When I decided I wanted to see and remember and enjoy all those fabrics and this pattern was just what those fabrics were waiting for.

I had so much fun sewing up the very first Quilt Market Quilt (the one shown in the pictures).
It uses one of those special bundles and then I added in a print from our first fabric line…the line where we got to be part of the action (that was so exciting to me) that very first trip with our own fabric to share!
I have no regrets finally cutting into that fabric…and every time I see this quilt it makes me happy.
I hope that others will enjoy sewing up this pattern and snuggling under loved fabric as much as I do.
Happy Quilting!
PS: You can find the Quilt Market PDF Pattern HERE in our shop!