Diamonds in the Rough Quilt Pattern:
Today we are happy to release our Diamonds in the Rough Quilt Pattern!

The Diamonds in the Rough Quilt Pattern is perfect for use with pre-cut 5” x 5” squares and although it looks complicated it is simply constructed using half square triangles.
The simple construction makes it a great quilt for beginning quilters but also an enjoyable one for those who are experienced at quilting.
Finishing up at 58” x 58” it makes for a great “couch quilt” and works with almost any style of fabric prints.

The inspiration behind this quilt came from two sources:
The first was my recent addiction to making half square triangles.
I seriously think I have a problem…I can’t stop making them!!!
And the second source of inspiration was a collection of thoughts I have been mulling over the past few months…thoughts about my abilities as a quilter, a mother, and a woman.
Sometimes I feel like I am doing ok.
Sometimes I feel like a total failure.
But sometimes…sometimes I can look up from all the tiny, daily stitches, the cutting and assembling I get caught up in and catch, for a brief moment, the big picture…a glimpse of the life I am weaving together and I am reminded that everything is going to be ok…that I, we, all of us are Diamonds in the Rough.
As we are doing our best and as we work, break, and roll along through the daily grind we are becoming polished and sometimes we even shine.
I know that, at least for me, it doesn’t always feel all sparkly but if we can step back for just a minute and see the big picture…the entire quilt…we will see that even if we have had made a few wrong cuts, employed the seam ripper, or said a lot of bad words…we have pieced together something amazing.

A month or two we were visiting Southern Utah…again.
And there my daughter and I have a tradition of getting up early and leaving everyone sleeping while we go on a morning hike to watch the sunrise.

On this morning hike I took my Diamonds in the Rough quilt with us and my daughter took some pictures for me.
The one below was her favorite.
She liked the way you could see my shadow through the quilt…she said it made me look like a Quilt Rock Star.
(Instead of a crazy woman crouching down, doing her best to become invisible behind her work.)

I thought about that again as I added the photos for this post…not just the Quilt Rock Star…which I liked and think that we should make be a thing…but the shadow and light shining through the quilt.
I have several quilts made by my grandmother. I have spent a lifetime living just minutes away from her but now she lives farther away.
But I have one of her quilts that she made for me. I keep out and use often.
And I see her light and shadow in the stitches. I see her hands move over the fabric. I hear her cuss words (that she swears she doesn’t say) and she pokes her finger with a needle. And I feel her love.

As quilters, I think maybe we are all Diamonds in the Rough…creating something beautiful…a gem…diamonds even. We CUT the fabric, work with CLARITY of purpose, and use a variety of COLORS.
And once we give these hand polished gifts away they can shine forth our love for the ones to whom we made them for.

Hmmm…this post is heavy on the diamond/light comparisons. I would say I’m sorry but I’m not.
It’s the honest thought process/inspiration behind the quilt.
I think quilts are gems.
I think quilters are golden….even if we (or our quilts) are only Diamonds in the Rough.
Happy Quilting!
*You can find the PDF Pattern for The Diamonds in the Rough Pattern HERE IN OUR SHOP.
Since you released this on National Puppy Day, I shall call it Diamonds in the Ruff.
I kill myself with my humor!
Wonderful words of inspiration. Thank you!