Soft Caramel Popcorn Recipe
One of our family’s favorite treats is to make caramel corn…but in our family it has to be the soft kind! Here is the recipe we use and it turns out perfectly every single time.
We made a big batch of this last weekend and it was the perfect snack to gather everyone into the kitchen and make it and then play some fun games for family game night.
I remember being scared of burning caramel because I did it the first time I made it (and man burnt sugar is not the most appealing smell) but if you watch and stir, this caramel is delicious and simple to make–just don’t walk away like I did! Ha!
Soft Caramel Popcorn Recipe
- 1/2 cup of salted butter
- 1 cup of corn syrup
- 1 cup of brown sugar
- 1 can of sweetened condensed milk
- 8-9 cups of popped popcorn
- Melt the butter and brown sugar together in a sauce pan with a wooden spoon.
- Add the corn syrup and bring to a boil.
- When the butter mixture is boiling, add the corn syrup and boil stirring constantly for 3-4 minutes. (Make sure you stir!)
- Turn the heat to low and add the can of sweetened condensed milk.
- Boil again for 3-4 minutes until desired thickness. (The longer you cook the harder the caramel will harden on the popcorn.)
- Place popped popcorn on 2 foil lined sheet pans in a single layer.
- Add the caramel on top of the popped corn and mix together.
- Enjoy!

This recipe is perfect for a family movie night or game night and will make for some great family time. Although the last time we had it our skip-bo cards got a bit sticky…so maybe stay away from the card games until you are done eating 😉 Happy family time!