City Center Quilt Pattern

Awhile back we released our “City Center” PDF Quilt Pattern and it has become a fast favorite.

Based on a traditional “Court House Steps” quilt block it is an easy sew that looks fabulous with modern prints…or sewn up using all solids!

This time I stitched up the pattern using the “Azure Skies” fabric that we designed for Riley Blake designs and I just love the combination…especially the pops of mustard in the “city center” as well in the cornerstones.

I loved the fabrics together so much that I pieced the back together with large left over scraps I had remaining from several different projects that used Azure Skies.
(As well as a sheet scrap used for a different quilt backing…)
It’s a little crazy but it was all scraps and I really like how it turned out.

This quilt pattern is one that is fun to use for scraps as well as for group projects.
In fact….
Next month I am actually using this quilt pattern again to sew up some blocks with others in my city to make a few community quilts to donate to people who have been making a difference in our town.
I can’t wait to see how everyone’s blocks turn out!
And I promise to share pictures!

Until then….
The Courthouse Steps blocks used in this quilt top are a variation of the Log Cabin quilt blocks and have a unique history all their own that you can read about HERE.
And…you can find the PDF Pattern to purchase HERE IN OUR SHOP.
Happy Quilting!