While we are all quarantined at home I have been cleaning out my sewing loft and have found quite a few quilts that just needed binding put on them. So silly that I have let them sit there that long with only needing bindings.
This rail fence baby quilt was one of them….and the binding was even on one side! It just needed the other side sewn up.

If you need directions on making a rail fence quilt block head HERE. This particular quilt is 2.5″ strips by 8.5″ and there are 4 strips in each individual block.
This Rail Fence Baby quilt is 45″ by 45″ and is off to a cousin who just had a baby girl. So, it was the perfect finish just in the nick of time.
I have a few more finishes to show you soon….hopefully I will get them all done this weekend!
Happy Quilting!