I have been wanting to learn to better my embroidery skills for awhile now. They aren’t perfect (look at this backstitching that needs HELP!) but I love the idea of being a beginner at something. It keeps you learning and growing. So, every night I have been doing little projects here and there to help better each and every stitch.

The amazing thing about embroidery is there are so many stitches to practices. Here is a great tutorial with video examples to practice the top 15 stitches if you want to be a beginner and practice with me. These are the first 15 that I have been working on…

It’s super fun to do and pretty relaxing as I am lounging at night watching my crazy reality tv (anyone else watching Project Runway this season?).
Last week I made this pattern up quickly in photoshop to use for myself but then after it was stitched,I went back and modified it into a more beginner friendly pattern if you want to stitch with it too.

You can find the free pattern HERE.