My kids love to play “Would You Rather” all the time…in the car, at the dinner table, on the way to school, whenever…and my husband and I can’t help but join in.
Here’s how to play…someone asks a question like “Would you rather never eat breakfast again or only eat breakfast foods for the rest of your life?” And then the debate begins.
It’s a good time.
So on a recent road trip we came up with a list of holiday related “Would You Rather” questions and decided to share them.
You can print out the entire list of 20 questions HERE and then use them at any family gatherings over the next few months in case you need some conversation starters, a quick game, or whatever.
The questions are mainly Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas based because those are my family’s favorites…but there is a little 4th of July, St. Patrick’s Day, Valentine’s, and Easter thrown in for good measure….and they are all kid friendly.