I have so many mixed feelings about Halloween this year. My kids are growing up (sniff, sniff) and it just isn’t the same holiday as it used to be. For years and years it was all about elementary school parades, class parties and then hurrying home from school to make a gigantic big pot of chili and then rushing out the door to go trick or treating with all three kiddos as a family. It was heaven.
This year we will only have one trick or treater. The holiday has changed so much for us. The teens are going off with their friends. Isaac is going trick or treating with a group of kids. And I am nursing a terrible head cold so I will probably be home alone handing out candy.
I am not saying it’s going to be a bad day—because there’s still a classroom party this afternoon and a giant pot of chili to be kept warm for before and after the festivities. And there’s still candy to be passed out—but it’s just that traditions are changing, and it’s going to be different. And sometimes change is so hard.
So, I am going to think of a new tradition to do with the teens when they come home. I am thinking The Birds movie might just be the ticket. We can all grab some Halloween quilts to wrap up in while we watch. And then remembering to cherish the last little while I have with them before they move on to different phases of their lives on Halloween.
As for Halloween futures? I need to prepare myself. What in the world am I going to do with an enormous pot of chili then? I might just have to adopt some little ones at that point. I am not ready for all of this.
I am with you. Like right beside side with an ache in my heart. Two are off to parties and only one trick or treater left. It is so wonderful, yet so very sad. I will be thinking of you as I hand out candy and gush over toddler costumes and watch the clock waiting for the teens to get home safely. Change is hard. Sniff.