Last year we launched a project that I had been wanting to for several years…a podcast. A quilting podcast called “Stitched”.

The first time I listened to a podcast (an episode of Mike Rowe’s “That’s the Way I Heard It”) I thought to myself “THIS!!! THIS is what I want to add to Simple Simon! THIS is what we need to do.”
I couldn’t stop thinking about it. I was obsessed!!! Soooooo….I talked Elizabeth into the podcast and the wheels started turning. I spent hours writing up that first episode….about log cabins and family….about my grandparents and leaving for college…about the design of the quilt blocks representing the hearth and the heart of the home.
And then I was finished and it was time to record. We met at Elizabeth’s house. She had set up a fancy new microphone that we didn’t know how to use….and after some trial and error we started to record.

And that’s when I realized….we don’t have the voice over talents of Mike Rowe. An obvious fact but one that I hadn’t even thought about until the moment we started recording.
As I drove home that afternoon I wondered if the podcast was a mistake…I loved (absolutely loved) writing the podcast but we weren’t strong readers.
We released that first episode…you can hear my voice crack…and my sniffles…and me trying to not sound like I am crying. It isn’t beautiful sound work. And I wondered if maybe it would be better to hire someone to read the stories for us.
But then I started to get texts. From my brothers. Our first, and I would say, some of our most faithful listeners, and they heckled and laughed (because they are my brothers and that’s what they do) but then said…also don’t change a thing…it’s so you! It is genuine and honest and no one else should tell your story. DON’T LET ANYONE ELSE TELL YOUR STORY!
And they were right….about the flaws…but also about our stories. The stories we share in Stitched are personal and so very close to our hearts that it doesn’t make sense to have someone else tell them.
So on we went…not always at Elizabeth’s house…sometimes I found myself recording in a closet (where it was quiet) while my kids finished up homework. Another time in bed with pneumonia. Once in my car as I waited for my son to finish up with his rock climbing lesson.
But it was always in our own voices….our very untrained, very un Mike Rowe-ish voices.
At times last year it felt like putting together a podcast was a test of endurance…could we really find the time to craft a story we felt was worthwhile, find a quiet moment to record it, and then be brave enough to actually do it?!?
But then we would get a message or an email from a listener about one of our stories and….well…I knew that this podcast was something I could find time and be brave for. It is important to me…and a project that I am not just excited about but something that I love…and believe in.
This year as we prepare to share the first episode of Stitched Season 2 I have a few thoughts and feelings…but my main one is a feeling of gratitude for all of you. SO much gratitude.
Thank you to everyone who listened last season.
Thank you to everyone who left a comment or a review.
Thank you to everyone who sent a message or an email.
It’s the connection and the shared experiences and understanding that make this such an amazing project. Without all of you this wouldn’t be as sweet…in fact, Stitched wouldn’t exist at all…and so I say again, thank you. From the bottom of my heart, thank you.
We have been working hard to put together worthwhile episodes for Season 2…there are so many stories and quilt histories, and notions that we want to share and we hope that you will come along again with us for the journey.
I can’t promise that this season I won’t cry but I can promise that the episodes will be interesting, and like I said, I hope you will join us. The first episode of Season 2 will be released September 24, 2019.
***You can listen to Stitched on iTunes, Apple Podcasts, Google Play, or Spotify….just search for STITCHED. All 16 episodes of Season 1 are available to listen to right now.***