We are so excited to share with you today our newest quilt pattern–the Azure Skies Quilt! We have had this quilt in mind but we were waiting for just the right fabric line….and Azure Skies is it.

I love how the big blocks of the quilt really show off each of the prints in the collection. And we are excited for you to be able to use the Azure Skies fabric line to sew up this magnificent quilt.

The pattern was designed for 9 fat quarters and will help you use those fat quarter bundles that you have been hoarding. It is so hard to cut into those when you think they won’t show off the fabric well. We promise this pattern will show them off well and you will be so happy with the quilts you make.

You can purchase the PDF (printable at home) pattern HERE in our shop today. Or it will be available in paper form at your favorite quilt shops in a few weeks.

We really hope you enjoy this pattern as much as we do! Liz has another Azure Skies quilt to show you in another post. That one is made out of all solids and is pretty amazing!!! Hold tight and she will show you that one soon…