I am working with the 11-13 girls in our Young Women group at church this year and I am always on the hunt for fun and simple things that the girls would enjoy. We did a “what do you want to learn to do” activity at the beginning of the year and brainstormed a whole bunch of things the girls wanted to learn and crafting, cooking and sports (including rock climbing!) were all high on their lists.
So, I have been finding and tweaking some fun craft and cooking lesson ideas for the girls to do for our weeknight activites and hope to share some of the good ones here.
This lip balm recipe was a hit! The girls really liked it and they all made a small jar and then took the recipe home as well. Let me preface this by saying I have a big group of girls–so we made a double batch and it made about 50 little jars of lip balm, so this smaller batch will make about 25.
Here’s the recipe that I used (I tweaked it from 3 different ones until I found one I liked and turned out nice and smooth! Some were chunky or greasy—but this one is a good one–I promise!)
1/2 cup of beeswax pellets ( I used THESE–affiliate link)
1/2 cup of coconut oil
1/2 T. extra virgin olive oil
3-4 drops of essential oils (we used peppermint)
Lip Balm Containers (I used THESE–affiliate link)
Place the first three ingredients in a glass bowl and microwave until mixture is liquid and smooth. Then take out and add the essential oils for scent. Stir and pour into the lip balm jars and let cool.

I love that the lip balm is all natural and it was super fun and easy to make!