Today we are showing you how to make a scrunchie in just a few easy steps.
Let’s get started:
Step #1.
Cut your fabric into a strip that measures 24″ long and 3″ wide.
I prefer to use a knit fabric but really any kind of fabric will work.
Step #2.
Fold your strip of fabric in half lengthwise (with right sides together) and sew along the entire length (from end to end) using a quarter inch seam allowance.
*Note sew along the side with the raw edges…not the side with the fold.
Step #3. Turn this newly made tube so that the right side is facing out.
Step #4. Cut a piece of quarter inch wide elastic 8″ long.
Attach a safety pin to one end.
Step #5. Use that safety pin to guide the elastic through the entire length of your tube. Just remember to keep the tail end of the elastic sticking out of the back end of your tube so your can sew both ends of the elastic together.
Sew or hand stitch the two ends of your elastic together.
Step #6. Fold one of the ends of your tube under a generous quarter inch.
Step #7. Tuck the unfolded end of your tube inside the folded end.
Step #8. Sew along the edge of your fold to close up your tube and finish your scrunchie!
Now just puff and fluff your fabric and you are all done!
And then its time to wear that bad boy!
For a step by step video…full of awesome 80’s references you can check out our video here over on YouTube.
Thanks for the reminder that a scrunchy is easy and fun to make. I used to teach girls and some boys to sew and they loved
making a scrunchy.
We made it similar to your instructions. The difference.
Choose your size fabric.
Sew ends together.
Stich long side- leave a opening somewhere near the center.
Turn RSO.
Insert elastic and stich together securely.
Close opening by hand or machine.
I think easier to sew ends than tuck inside . Just another way to sew it.
Usually you find more than one way to sew anythin