*This blog post is sponsored by Stephen’s Gourmet Hot Cocoa. I was sent 3 flavors of hot cocoa by Stephen’s Gourmet Hot Cocoa as part of the Mom It Forward Influencer Network, but all opinions are my own. This is a product I love and regularly buy on my own 😉
Traditions? Traditions!
(Are you humming Fiddler on the Roof, yet? I thought so :))
I have been thinking a lot about traditions lately….about traditions I grew up with, about traditions that my husband grew up with and if my kids were ever going to remember anything we are doing as a family as a holiday tradition.
So, I decided to ask.
“What are our Christmas traditions?” I asked each child.
“Pajamas on Christmas Eve,” the oldest said.
“Giving away the 12 days of Christmas,” the second answered.
“Hot Cocoa!” the youngest said.
“Hot cocoa?” I asked.
“Yep. Hot cocoa,” he answered back, “every Sunday night we make popcorn and hot cocoa for dinner.”
He was so right. We do. And while it is something we have done for years on Sunday nights during the holidays (we eat a big meal in the early afternoon) I hadn’t quite put hot cocoa into the “Christmas traditions” category.
And then I thought about traditions from my childhood….and like him, I remember the simple ones. Eating soup, rolls and appetizers on Christmas Eve so we could save enough room for cookies, going out in the freezing Chicago winters to look at holiday lights, and reading ‘Twas the Night Before Christmas. It’s not the big things I remember…..it’s the “hot cocoa” small moments.
So, recently when we were asked by Stephen’s Gourmet Hot Cocoa if we as a family wanted to try their new gourmet flavors we jumped at the chance. We have been buying Stephen’s Hot Cocoa for years….it first started out because my husband pretends it was named after him (his name is spelled the same way!) but then because….IT’S DELICIOUS. It’s the only brand we buy at our house (you can even get the ginormica cans at Costco). I even gave hot cocoa away as neighbor gifts for the last two years!
Here are the new flavors we tried and everyone’s votes of which is their favorite new flavor this year…
I LOVED the Salted Caramel. It is delish….and I even added some whipped cream and a caramel drizzle to the top to make it as a dessert one night after dinner. It was so good.
The kids….
Candy Cane Cocoa with marshmallows, of course. Although I do agree with them…it is so rich and good with just the right amount of peppermint.
And my husband….
The dark chocolate cocoa because he loves everything dark chocolate, but he also loves the Mint Truffle and I agree that is really amazing. You can see all the flavors that Stephen’s Gourmet Hot Cocoa has HERE.
So, here’s to having many, many “hot cocoa” traditions and memories this and every year. Those small and simple things that bring joy and wonderment with just being together as a family for the holiday.
And to start your “hot cocoa” traditions, Stephen’s Gourmet Hot Cocoa is giving away hot cocoa for a whole year!!! Enter below to win a year’s supply of Stephen’s! We’re giving away 15, one-pound cans of our delicious, one-of-a-kind cocoa to a very lucky winner and you get to choose the flavors!
PS–What are your favorite “hot cocoa” traditions? I would love to hear them…
PPS–I have a “hot cocoa” printable for you tomorrow…so come back to download that and remind yourself to have “hot cocoa” moments this year!
When is the Giveaway….dd I miss it….was it yesterday?