For years now Elizabeth and I have talked about doing a month devoted entirely to crock pot cooking and that month has finally arrived!
Often we get asked how we juggle running a business while raising our families…and while sometimes it can be really difficult we do have a few tricks up our sleeves. One of those tricks has been to become freezer meal pros and the other is to fall in love with using crock pots.
I, myself, have a mini crock pot (for dips), a 4 quart and a 7 quart cooker for daily use, and then the crock pot submarine…a vessel that contains 3 different 4 quart crock pots for when we have parties. What can I say? I love crock pots…a lot.
(Even as I write this I have homemade spaghetti sauce bubbling away in the 4 quart behind me…and the house smells delicious.)
SO we hope you join us every Tuesday and Thursday this month as we share terrific crock pot cooking recipes, tips, and tricks from around the blogosphere (as well as our own kitchen). And we hope you will forgive us if we even steal some sewing days to talk about crock pot cooking as well as we celebrate a Slow Cooker Halloween Spooktacular!
***Love the slow cooker in the photo??? We do to! And you can find it HERE for only $30….or you can wait until Thursday and enter to win one!!!!
***Also, if you are a Salt Lake City local…and love crock pot cooking…stop by the Deseret News Home Show on Saturday, October 14th where we will be doing an on stage crock pot cooking demonstration at 4:00pm.
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I’m really excited about this! I don’t love my crock pot and I want to because it would be such a big help! Can’t wait to see what you girls cook up!
I am always looking for more things I can make in my slow cooker. Mine is about 10 years old and I would love to have a new one.