We have one last giveaway before this Christmas holiday and I think it is what we all wish for–A SEWING NIGHT-IN! I know that is one thing that is always on my list….time to sew. I think I have about 10 projects cut and waiting for me to just get a little time to sew them up. So, we thought it would be fun to giveaway a sewing night. You could use it all by yourself or even have your sewing bestie come over and share in the sewing love.
There are three things included in this giveaway and one of them is one of my new favorite things that I have found this year. Do you all know about Bridgewater Candle Company? Both liZ and I got a candle a year or so ago while attending a blogger event and I have been hooked ever since. I even asked for another one as a present from my husband for Mother’s Day this year. I love to keep one of their candles in my sewing room because the whole room smells so good. Plus I love the fact that these candles also provide meals to children…another company that has decided to do good in the world!
I have never been much of a strong scent girl, but these candles are so delicate and smell so fantastic! Check out the Mingle tin series, they are my absolute favorites and the scent Sweet Grace is so so yummy smelling. And, when I emailed Bridgewater Candle Company and asked if perchance they would like to help us with this giveaway, they not only sent us one candle, but a bunch for your sewing room!!!! Thank you so much Bridgewater Candle Company!
The second thing in our giveaway is a nice little Fat Quarter Bundle from Riley Blake Designs. And who doesn’t need some new fabric for some inspiration and excitement to sew! You can use a new quilt pattern or make some smaller projects with your new fat quarter bundle. And we’ve added in some chocolate to make your sewing night extra perfect.
To enter the giveaway, leave us a comment about a favorite gift you have received over the years. For a second and third comment you be a LIKE on FACEBOOK and leave that in a comment and a third entry can be a LIKE on INSTAGRAM!
Good Luck!
One of my favorite gifts was my iPad.
A favorite gift? Books. It’s always books. A gift card to buy books is also acceptable.
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Hmmmm, my favourite gift?.. I would say the quilting books and supplies my family (daughters) pays attention when I say I would like…and the year I got a diamond necklace from my hubby..a long long time ago!
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A favorite git I have received is a thermos and snowshoes from my huaband. We started a Christmas tradition where both are used in the mountains on Christmas Day.
Favorite gift hands down was finding out I was pregnant with my baby boy!
A favorite gift was a carefully chosen jig saw puzzle the year I was undergoing chemotherapy at Christmas time and had no energy or concentration to see or do active things.
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My favorite gift was by far my ipad. I had that long before i got a smart phone
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My husband totally surprised me with a serger – had NO idea! Best thoughtful gift EVER!
My favorite gift is the gift of crafting time. Dedicated time out of my usual schedule to really work on things. I have trouble finding the energy to sew during my normal day, I usually crave down time.
A favorite gift is a wooden nativity set my sister made now 28 yrs ago.we enjoy it every year!
My grandchildren like to surprise me with peppermint bark (my favorite), EVERY YEAR.
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My husband gave me a camera last year it was unexpected and wonderful.
A book of my childhood pictures
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After my Mom died, my husband gave me a little silver band with the word “hope” on it. I wear it every day.
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My most favorite gift was from my father, it is a binder with written stories of his memory when we were growing up and all the places we lived.
I have two favorite Christmas gifts. The first was just a note in a candy jar with the words “No dishes for a year” written on it. My husband gave me the gift of him doing the dishes!
The second is that my sister in law gave me a copy of my grandmother’s pound cake recipe in my grandmother’s handwriting that Mammaw had written to her in a letter years before. She also baked the cake and included a cake stand. My grandmother has Alzheimer’s and can no longer remember the recipe nor write.
My favorite gift I ever received was a Purple Bike in 5th grade. I wanted that so bad!!
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My favorite Christmas gift is the Husqvarna Viking quilters machine my husband Steven surprised me with.
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Many years ago, my husband gave me a sewing machine. I was initially upset, because I thought it was too expensive, but so happy to finally have one of my own. Still one of my favorite gifts, and now I can use it to make gifts for others, so it really is a gift that keeps on giving!
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Not a handmade blanket but still gifted with love. Its absolutely the best and most cuddly blanket.
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7 years ago my mom gave me her sewing machine. It was the machine she made countless costumes, playclothes, and even my homecoming dress on, and I used it to make my first quilt!
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A favorite gift I received was a new 6×24″ quilting ruler! My last one broke and I was “making it work” – I’m a quilter so that ruler is used A LOT!
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Thanks for the giveaway – that bundle has been on my want list for awhile now!!!
My favorite things are the handmade gifts and cards from my children, over the years.
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My most favorite Christmas gift..my daughter! The gift that keeps on giving!
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One of my favourite gifts for Christmas was buying a long arm and a quilt shop! 5 days after Christmas last year my husband and drive a 24 foot uhaul and our van, packed up the shop and the long arm and moved them to our house. It was crazy and amazing.
The best gift that I received was a beautiful set of ceramic bowls my daughter made for me during her senior year in high school. She took the time to carve her artwork on one of them. The Bernina came in a close second
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My favorite gift would be my ipad
My favorite present was my new grandson born two days ago.
My favourite gift would be spending time with my sister for the Christmas season
A tree ornament indicating the year we first became parents. I love to see every year! sjvonfumetti at yahoo dot com
My sweet boy was born just before Christmas three years ago. It just doesn’t get better than a baby for Christmas!
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Would have to be three years ago when my granddaughter was born!!
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My husband gave me a serger for Christmas years ago. It’s since been upgraded and replaced but that gift opened up a new world of sewing for me.
My favorite gift was a trip to surprise my dad on his 90th birthday!
Favorite gift was a backwards clock from my husband!
Last year my then seven-year-old gave me a grow your own Venus Fly Trap and a Pincher Plant kit.
My favorite gift was my kindle.
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My favorite Christmas Gift was definitely my sewing machine!
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Favorite gift ever? A trip to Hawaii!
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My favourite gift would have to be my serger or my cricut explore air. Both thoughtful gifts from my husband
Love give aways! Especially at Christmas. Thank you!
My favorite gift was a gift card to a sewing Store! Another one was a gift my grandblessing’s picked out for me.❤
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My favorite gifts are quilting books and fabrics.
I think my favorite gift was a purse from my favorite designer my daughter gave me that she bought with her own money.
My husband gave me a sewing machine for Christmas a few years ago. That was a great gift!
My little kitchen as a little girl that I know Santa spent a long time putting together!Also liked on IG
My husband gives me chocolate covered cherries every year.
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Fabric, candles AND chocolate??? You know the way to my heart! My favorite gift ever was from my wonderful husband who gave me a Viking Ruby sewing/embroidery machine. I have gotten so much use out of that machine!
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One of my favorite gifts as a child was a jigsaw puzzle.
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My favorite is probably the pearl necklace my husband gave me the Christmas before we were married.
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My Mom and Dad gave me my Grandmother’s silver. The story was thar Dad bought it for her when he was just a teenager, I’m guessing on layaway. Boy, did tears flow from me over that one!
When I was growing up, my Uncle took these bells of my Grandfathers that he got while working in Turkey as a young man and rang them outside and said HO HO HO (I would be sitting on my grandfathers lap or at the piano singing Christmas songs waiting for Santa so we could open presents). There were a lot of us, so you would never miss anyone slipping outside to ring those bells. When I had my first son (on Christmas Day no less, he shares a birthday with someone very special I think) My Uncle handed me a gift at the hospital and said it was from him and that my grandfather would want me to have these (he had passed away years back). They were those bells, with a note to carry on that tradition because nothing is sweeter than to see that kind of joy and excitment on a childs face. Those bells hang in my sewing room today and have rang for 4 children and will ring this year for my first grandchild.
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A new wedding ring. My husband said”You’ve been my queen for 37 years. I want to be sure everyone knows it!”
I was surprised by receiving some very coveted converse. I love them and think they are pretty cool to wear on any occasion.
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My favorite gifts have been handmade items from my sister, and my kindle 5 years ago (don’t have to get to the library to get new library books to read!). Thank you!!
My favorite gift is (still) new socks and underwear. Boring I know!
My best gift was my engagement ring I received over forty years ago – yes I am an old lady!!
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My favorite gift was a cradle for my dolls that my dad made for me when I was 5. My mom made a mattress for it
My iPad was a favorite gift.
My in-laws gave me a car one Christmas when my husband and I were first married and no kids. I cried… we only had one car so I stayed home a lot and couldn’t get a job or anything because I couldn’t get there. Changed my life!
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A quilt from my Dad.
one of my favorite Christmas gifts has been my kitchen aid mostly because my husband completely surprised me with it
One of my favorite gifts was a cookbook of family recipes. My sister in law made it happen right before I went off to college. I still use it because it has all the family favorites.
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A favorite gift I received had more to do with need and timing than anything else. One Christmas while I was in college my mom gave me the gift of $500 in small bills. I had to smooth them up since they were wadded up like snowballs but at the time I really needed the extra money. I was working and going to school (and paying for it) so it was good to have that emergency cache. I am sure I used it mostly for laundry and gas but the relief you get when not having to use credit for a bit was the biggest part of the gift.
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My parents gave me an American Girl Doll for my first holy communion – I loved it, and I cannot wait to give it to my daughter when she is a few years older. Happy holidays! Thank you!
I loved my new camera my husband gave me last year for Mother’s Day.
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My favorite gift is my children…but I do love my fiestaware too!
Books, any type, I love them all. I did get a sewing machine as a gift in my early twenties and I was so disappointed. Now it is one of my most cherished and used gifts!
I don’t have a favorite gift, but this year I gifted my fox loving niece a embroidered fox pillow. It was fun to make and fun to give.
My favorite gifts are books: mysteries, spy thrillers, needlework or quilting.
My favorite gift was a new Janome sewing machine. Love, love, love it as I like to give (and receive) hand made gifts.
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Recent favorite gift is from my parents: pegboard and new desk to spruce up and organize my creative space!
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I love the handmade gifts from my grandkids.
I love the birthstone charm necklace my kids gave me a couple of years ago.
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Way back in the 1980’s my mom gave me a Christmas Candle Pyramid she bought me on their trip to Germany. Loved having it on my table for dinner’s all through December.
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My baby girl (now almost 24) was my all time favorite Christmas gift.
My grandmother gave me my great grandmother’s compact and comb set. It’s so pretty and meaningful.
My favorite gift was a gift card to my favorite quilt shop. I couldn’t wait to go and pick out new fabric!
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One of my favorite gifts of late was a set of Moda merit badges. They are so stinking cute!
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My favorite gift was a new house from my husband- I thought we couldn’t afford it, but he had been putting money away and surprised me with my dream house. Thanks for a great giveaway!
allisonpogany at gmail.com
One of my favorite ever Christmas gifts was my sewing machine! Which I then misthreaded and couldn’t figure out why it didn’t work…
My favorite gift has been my “mother’s” necklace I recieved for mothers day this year. Time to sew is always top on the wish list. ; )
A few years back my mom surprised me with a new sewing machine. My dinosaur of a machine had died just a week or two earlier and I couldn’t afford to replace it.
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My favorite gift was a recipe book filled with family recipes.
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My husband bought me a harp and it is my favorite gift ever!
That’s an easy one — my sewing machine and sewing supplies.
A yellow dress that my dad picked out on his own from a really nice department store that we had only window shopped in before. Thanks for asking.
I would ave to say my most favorite Christmas present was a Barbie airplane when I was 8 or 9. It was the one thing I couldn’t figure out what it was when it was under the tree. My dad kept teasing me about it, telling me he would tell me what it was if I told him what his present was, but I knew better than to tell him! I had so much fun playing with it, too!
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When is the next Nacho Thursday?? 🙂
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One of my most favorite gifts is my self and two friends all traveled to meet up with another friend of ours to spend the holidays together. She had recently relocated for a new job and we went to show her some friend love.
tushay3 (at) yahoo (dot) com
6 years ago I was pregnant with my first child and my husband was deployed to Iraq. I was so scared I’d have the baby alone but he was granted 2 weeks to come home and got to see the baby born and spend the through the 20th of December with us to celebrate Christmas and parenthood. By far the best present I’ve ever had!
Best gift- my engagement ring. Sorry if this posted twice.
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Anything my girls make me is my favorite.
One of my favorite gifts was a bledtec. Frozen hot chocoate is super yummy.
My favorite and most used gift that I ever received is a blue-tooth ear piece for my cell phone. Anytime I’m out shopping or even working in my garden, it is in my ear. Love it!
One of my all time favorite gifts is a simple elegant silver necklace which I wear very frequently.
My favorite gift was a bird feeder my husband made me. Darn raccoon destroyed it last year. I was so sad!!
My favorite gift is a quilt my Daughter made & gave to me…while I was also going thru Radiation, She said so I could have “Daughter Hugs” while we had to be away from home for 7 weeks 🙂
thank you for chance to win your Give-a-way!! 😀
A friend made me an afghan that I really like a lot.
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A sewing book a SEW TINY – by Jazz Domino – from my aunt who knows i love sewing. Also passed on her perdonal favourite books fir cross stitch n some pattern books
My nephew could only make one present at school and he made it for me. Treasure it. Thanks for a great giveaway
A schinn sting ray bike I got on my 10th birthday. Still have it to this day!!
My sewing machine! The favourite gift ever!
My favorite gift was my daughter who born the day before my birthday. A gift I cherish every day!
I have always filled my husband and kids stockings but never filled mine. One year my oldest son filled my stocking and that was the best gift ever! I was so thrilled!
One year my husband designed a ring for me and wrote a beautiful letter as he had no time to get anything for me! For my birthday shortly afterwards he had it made!
My favorite gift was my Navy hubby, the love of my life, whom I met on my bday in 2003. He passed away from a heart condition in 2010. He was my soul mate because we challenged each other to grow in our lives. It wasn’t always easy but it was always honest. Can’t say that about most relationships. Thanks for your blog! Follow on IG & liked on FB.
When I was 16 I received a pair of real black pearl earrings from my mom.
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Oh, a favorite gift was my Baby Lock serger a couple years ago from my husband…we opened our gifts and I went into my sewing room….he walked in with a huge box and I started crying ….. 🙂
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My favorite Christmas presents are homemade items. Love to give them as well.
My Daughter;s Birth, what a wonderful Gift! Thank you fora sweet Giveaway!
My sewing machine from my husband. I love that machine!
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one of my favorites gifts was from my little granddaughter. Was a picture of her toes and feet done in green paint and said “mistltoes”.
Oh, and my long arm was a pretty cool gift!
About 3 years ago my Mom gave me a set of Rachel Ray pans. I actually had tears in my eye. My Mom says that I am the only one she knows that gets excited over practical gifts.
I received a quilt from my grandmother for my wedding gift.
My favorite gift was a columbine flower necklace from my aunt.
My mother got me a life-size Bengal tiger stuffie. I still love him.
I’ve been very lucky the last 2 years, receiving a new sewing machine and an iPad and I couldn’t be without either of them!
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My favourite gift in all my years was a typewriter (I know, that is a definite clue as to my age!)
My favorite gift was a new camera. It was a complete surprise from my boyfriend at the time. I married that guy!
Making gingerbread houses with my family the last year our mother-in-law was still with us.
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My favorite growing up was a red radio/tape player. I loved that thing and used it everyday, especially as a teen.
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My favorite gift? This year got my grandmother in laws vintage Rocketeer sewing machine and cabinet!!!
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I’ll always remember getting my American Girl doll for Christmas when I was young!
I got a silk scarf from my mom that i love
My son made me a candleholder years ago that I love.
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We just got a new puppy – a very sweet and special Christmas gift.
One year my Husband had to be away for work during Christmas and he surprised me before he left with a new wedding ring, he usually can’t keep a secret so it was truly a big surprise.
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One of my most favorite gifts recently was the gift of traveling abroad. Great surprise thanks to my Mr.
I have so much fun watching people open the gifts I’m giving them that I can’t really remember a fav gift that I’ve received. One that stands out though was a bottle of ice wine from a vineyard I visited with a friend.
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My favorite was a chick flick. I love them and my husband hates them, but he still bought it for us to watch together.
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My favorite gift is a butcher block table for the kitchen. I love cooking – and eating-almost as much as quilting.
My favorite gift was the mug with my kids pictures on it.
for Christmas, one of my favourites is my panini press 🙂
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when my kids were 5 and 3 they got me my first bread maker. I was so happy I cried. They were so upset that I didn’t like my gift they started crying. it finally got resolved and lots of bread was made over the years.
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My most favorite and cherished gift I received from my mom when I was 16. Wow! That was 40 years ago! My China set. To this date it has only been used once. One day I hope to own a nice China cabinet so I can display them.
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