So over the past few weeks my husband and I have been agonizing over homes.
And I mean agonizing.
I think I have talked to every single builder in a 30 mile radius…and walked through every existing home for sale in the same area.
My husband and I sit on our computers late into the night pouring over the floor plans, number of rooms, and yard size combinations that will fit into our budget.
And our realtor is ready to pay US to buy a house.
But it’s a big decision. It’s where I want to live for the next decade and raise my family.
I’ve been a nervous wreck…a complete disaster.
I just want what will be best for my family….especially my kids…I love those kids…and I don’t know what is going to be best! How can I know for sure? I can’t! And it eats at me.
But today I realized something…it took a trip half way across the country, flight delays, cancellations, loads of turbulence, and a very late night by myself in strange places…but I finally got it.
In the end it’s not the number of bedrooms or the square footage that is going to make or break my’s the people who live inside it.
Sure, I still don’t know where we will end up…but what I do know is that where ever it is we will be ok…because we will be together…and where ever together is is the only place that I ever want to be.
Yes! This is our situation right now too! With prices so inflated here in Canada, it makes things even more stressful! My husband and I have decided to build but with that comes decisions upon decisions as well. It can be so nerve wracking knowing that this is a place for forever for our family 🙂 All the best with your planning! Glad to know that I am not the only one going through this decision and the stresses it can bring.
YES! This is what I meant behind the comment on FB that I couldn’t make into a book. 🙂 Now it will be a book!!! When we moved into our present home we had moved from our “dream home”. 64 acres, huge modern farm house with wrap around porch, 3 stone fireplaces, windows everywhere…I could go on. It was all amazing. And then my husband had to find a new job. (2009–THAT time). What we learned is that God will place you exactly where you need to be for that time in your life. We landed in St. Louis, MO where my husband chose one of three job offers he received!! We thought “St. Louis???” The suburbs here are magnificent, as well as the city, a little secret many don’t know. We were in a rental for one year and went looking for a home–not even thinking it HAD to be in the same school district. We ended up finding a home that worked for us in the best school district in the STATE as well as one of the nicest suburbs in the country. Our girls were staying at the same school, our home was a 1969 tri–level. Who would have thought! Our girls have everything they could need or want–great schools, beautiful home (that my 16 yr. old says is the nicest of her friends–not because it is the biggest but it is the best decorated–feels like a home. 😉 ), countless opportunities for extra curricular. We hit the jackpot. And this tri-level (which we updated the outside last spring with new paint, lighting, total landscaping redo) is now OUR “dream home”. Where memories are made and life is lived with my favorite people. It will all work out just as it should.