In March liZ and I went on a little adventure to film some beginning courses for Craft University. If you know us by now there is always a story to go with our travels—-and this one was all about a snowstorm, not even having coats or appropriate shoes for snow, running off the road into a snowbank, getting pulled out by a man whose mother is a quilter, a closed airport, cancelled flights and a long trip back to Utah…
It’s all a part of the adventure when you are with us. And what you don’t see in this picture above is the fact that my shirt and cardigan were so sopping with wet snow (from shoveling the car out of our hotel parking lot) that I was behind the scenes desperately using a hair dryer from liZ’s suitcase to try to dry them both so we could film without showing wet spots on them. And poor liZ was using paper towels and her hair dryer to just try to warm up her feet (ballet flats and 2 feet of snow don’t go super well together 😉 Trust us when we say that we were a sight for sore eyes that day….or an episode of I Love Lucy….whichever you choose. Who knew there would be a massive snowstorm at the end of March? Apparently not us.
The good news is that we filmed an ENTIRE course on the basics of quilting….and it starts in two weeks! And when we say a basic course—it really is meant for someone who has never made a quilt before, and we make the process from start to finish easy and doable for everyone. And the other awesome thing about this course is that it is all online, so that you can watch each of the episodes in your pajamas and eating nachos while you learn all about Quilting 101.
So, if you have followed us for awhile but have been on the fence about quilting—it’s your time to join us! Go HERE to register for the course where we will walk you through all the in’s and out’s of quilting (and hear some funny stories along the way), give you tips and tricks for making half-square triangles and you will have an amazing quilt when you are done.
Head over to Register HERE and use this $10 off code……which is a deal. See you on May 23rd when the course starts!!!
How exciting!! You guys are the cutest btw!
this is AWESOME!!!! Wow, I am so excited for you guys. What a great concept!