No matter big or small there are five things that every sewing room needs! And most of them can be done on a budget…..let’s look at the top 5 Things Every Sewing Space Needs!
1. Sewing Space—whether it is a desk or a recycled table, a place to hold your sewing machine is a necessity. This do-it-yourself one by the Aqua House for Make it Love it is perfect.
2. Cutting Table—my absolute favorite cutting table is a drafting table from IKEA that you can adjust the height to make it the perfect level for you!
3. Fabric Storage—I LOVE this whole wall of fabric shelves from Camille Roskelley’s sewing studio.
4. Small Storage Solutions—don’t you love these cute mason jars for buttons and notions from The Polka Dot Chair?
5. Creativity—I think creativity is such an important part of a sewing room…and this studio from Darcy Miller does not disappoint. I love the creative spaces!
What would you add to this list? What is something you can’t live without in your sewing space?
P.S. And if you are needing more inspiration for your own sewing space….check out our Pinterest Board! There is a lot of inspiration already there and we will be adding to it this month.
hmm. I guess a sewing machine would be really practical 😉
Heee….yes probably should make it clear of what you need after you have the machine 😉
I am a sewing professional and I love helping others get started in this hobby. It’s easy to feel overwhelmed so I like to keep things simple but practical. This article is great, but could be expanded to really help the beginner. One the most important items on my checklist is “lighting”. A nice bright room is best or additional lamps need to be set up. Proper lighting gives energy and happiness to your work, while making it easier to sew straight lines and correct errors. Happy sewing everyone!
I think you are right….great lighting is a must!
I agree about having proper lighting and would add that having daylight is a must for matching thread to fabric. Some colors, especially red are notorious for changing color under different lighting.
A ironing station is a must! Whether it is a small TV tray covered with heat resistant batting or a large one will be your choice depending on the type of projects you prefer.
I can’t do without my adapted wrist pin cushion. I devised my favorite with a bought version. I removed the plastic bracelet like device that held it in place and replaced with wide elastic. Rather than wearing my “new” pincushion around my wrist, I wear it on my forearm halfway between my elbow and wrist. That is much handier for me. Out of the way of my hands but so convenient. A good pair of scissors is next on my list. One simply cannot sew without good scissors. I agree with the comment about lighting also. You must see well to sew well. Of course, you also need good tape measures and rulers, too.
I agree the comments are great and a must.
I would add these items:
Tape measure.
Rotary Cutter and ruler.
Small pair of scissors.
Assortment of cottons.