The Quilting Tool of the Month is…..The Klutz Glove from Fons and Porter!
(Over the holidays I was talking to Elizabeth about how I’ve discovered a few sewing and quilting tools that I find super helpful and that I wanted to talk about them….and so we decided that it would be fun to spotlight one tool we love every month in 2016 and this month it’s the Klutz Glove.)
The first time I ever saw one of these gloves I was hanging out with Melissa from The Polka Dot Chair while she was cutting some bag kits…and I had no idea why in the world she was wearing one green glove…but then she told me about an accident she had with a rotary cutter and I totally understood.
But I didn’t think about it again until I had a few near accidents with a dull rotary blade, too much pressure, and my blade skipping off of my fabric to the top of my ruler and I knew I needed one.
Now that I have one I use it all the time…and I love it…and I swear it’s saved me from stitches.
(Like the other night when I thought it was a great idea to cut through 4 layers of fleece at a time while I was cutting out 65 of these scarves for the homeless shelter…I don’t think that the rotary cutter was meant for that kind of a job…and my fingers wouldn’t be the same without my glove.)
I will say the glove takes some getting use to. I think all of us who sew and quilt like the feel of the fabric…but once you finish cutting you can remove the glove and pet your fabric to your hearts content…with all your fingers in tact.
I understand that many of you are very careful, precise cutters. However, if there are any of you out there who are like me and lean towards cowboy sewing, get the job done, I only have 20 minutes until I need to go get the kids from school type of cutting you may enjoy the safety of the glove as much as I do. And your fingers will thank you for it!
PS: No, this is not a paid post from Fons and Porter. It’s just a tool that I use for real. Although the links to the glove are Amazon affiliate links.
My finger is still not the same. Don’t leave home with out it *wink*