Just over 4 years ago Elizabeth and I were driving around Salt Lake City in my mini van with our two oldest girls and my new born baby Ruth looking for just the right place to take pictures of Hannah and Grace wearing their handmade capes.
I can still remember the details so vividly. Where we parked, what we talked about….and then I blinked and in an instant that newborn was wearing Grace’s cape as a hand-me down.
Time goes by so quickly…I had no idea so much time had gone by….that cape, that cape is still the same so tiny, so feminine, but the girl who first modeled it is growing up and the girl that wears it now will out grow of it all too soon. How I wish I could freeze time just for a little while…I need more time to savor these babies.
PS: For the full tutorial showing how to make these capes just click here: THE AUDREY CAPE and to make the fascinators worn in the top photo just click here for the tutorial: GIRLS FASCINATOR and if you find a tutorial on how to freeze time, let me know.
But if time stood still you never have had Baby Ruth. Remember the past but be sure to enjoy the present of today and gift to come of tomorrow. Even though it’s hard it like all things good it’s worth it.