The last couple of weeks I have been a grump about dishes. I felt like all I did was clean the kitchen. It seemed like it was the first thing I did in the morning and the last thing I did at night….wipe off counters and do the dishes. Only to wake up the next morning with bread bags open, peanut butter jars already out and open, knives full of peanut butter, and crumbs everywhere.
The other day I had had it. I was seriously having a mommy hissy fit over yet-again wiping crumbs off the countertops and unloading and loading the dishwasher.
And then it hit me…
What if I didn’t have all these people here to dirty all these dishes?
I was standing at the sink when it happened. And I started to sob. You know, that ugly cry. The cry that shows me that I was being the selfish one….to be so darned grumpy over dirty dishes.
I want it to become a privilege to do dishes for my family.
So, for the next month or so (when dish duty will be at a premium during the holidays), I am going to remember that I am thankful for dirty dishes. And all those people that dirty them. Because I really am.
I found that having help with drying the dishes was a good time to talk. I remember talking with my mother when drying the dishes. There were no dishwashers then other than two hands. When my children were little there were things I didn’t want to put in the dishwasher so I’d ask one of them to help. It was a time when we could just talk about things. Their hands were busy and they didn’t have to sit there and look at me and think up things to say. It just seemed to come out. Sometimes we did spelling words or other homework. Now they are grown and the grandchildren will help. Same with them. Even my husband and I can talk then.
I have been reminding myself lately, as well. Especially with seemingly mundane chores, or when my youngest requires “1 more hug” at bedtime for the 20th time. It has become a mantra that this time is fleeting. Embrace it all.
LOVE that idea!!!
I need to remember that Michelle!
Love this idea! My dishes have been overflowing. Thankful for sharing