A while back our good friend Kimbo from over at A Girl and A Glue Gun ask us if we would like to be involved with her Project Linus extravaganza for Luke’s Loves. And of course we said YES!!! (This kind of thing is right up our alley!!!)
So, we made a Dr. Who quilt for a patient who is in his or her tween or teenage years. (Because they like blankets to!)
I’m sure that many of you are familiar with Project Linus but in case you are wondering about what Luke’s Loves is all about here is a small overview of how it came to be:
More information about Luke’s Love and Project Linus can be found over at A GIRL AND A GLUE GUN’s website. And she will give you all the details on how to get involved in this amazing program.
We hope that you check it out and get involved! It’s such a great cause. One that I’ve been personally blessed by.
A few years back my baby Ruth was given a blanket from Project Linus while she was in the hospital.
Her hospital stay was so mild compared to others but I was still worried and upset. But having the nurse bring in a blanket that someone had made to comfort my child filled me with comfort as well. Because of that Project Linus will always hold a very special place in my heart.
This quilt that we made will be sent up to Kimbo for her to deliver.
(And we like the back almost as much as we like the front!)
Actually, it’s a special quilt for us as well…It’s the first quilt Elizabeth and I ever quilted “all by ourselves” on our new baby lock quilter, made from fabric sent to us by our dear friend Susan at Springs Creative, and the pattern is our first ever released quilt pattern that was sent out last month to The Patchwork Posse’s Online Quilt Group subscribers. It’s holds a lot of firsts and loves for us and hope that who ever receives it will love it as much as we do.
If quilting isn’t your thing but you would still like to donate a blanket to Project Linus we have a simple no sew fleece blanket tutorial that will make a blanket exactly like Ruth received in the hospital…and that we love. All you need to make it is a pair of scissors!
Thank you Kimbo for inviting us to be a part of such a beautiful project!
NOTE: This pattern is now available for sale in our Shop. The pattern is called “The Saturday Afternoon Quilt” (because you can make the entire quilt on a Saturday afternoon) and you can find it HERE.
I love it so much….I mean not quite as much as I love you two…but that is REALLLLLY hard to beat!! Thanks so much!