Today is the day we finally get to announce something that we have been working on behind the scenes for National Sewing Month. We have teamed up with baby lock to bring you a new series…..called “Teach the One 2 Sew.”
At the beginning of the summer, liZ and I attended a sewing conference where we were able to be with some amazing sew-ists and glean from them and their wealth of knowledge…and at the end of the conference we were all going around the room and sharing to each other about our favorite parts of the conference. Craig, a dear baby lock friend, asked us all to look around the room and see all of these amazing women who sew. And although I am paraphrasing, because I don’t remember his exact words, he said something to the effect of “what if all of you taught one more person to sew, we would double this community!”
liZ and I took separate planes home that day, and the whole plane ride I kept thinking about what Craig said. And then it hit me (and I started tearing up on the plane—I am sure people were wondering what in the world was going on with me), WHAT IF EVeRYoNE in the WHOLE ONLINE SEWING COMMUNITY taught just one person to sew? Can you even imagine what that picture would look like? It would be phenomenal.
I have found over the years and it is absolute truth that people who sew are some of the nicest people on this planet. We as sew-ers are givers, we give quilts away to those who are sick, we make baby gifts, we give away dresses and skirts we make for others—and I think it becomes a personality trait—we are givers.
So, we went home and we got to work…..and for the month of September we are going to focus on “the one” and teaching one new person to sew. We will be sharing stories from sewists who taught “the one” as well as easy tutorials and project that you can use for a sewing lesson.
And we are hoping (really hoping) that each of you will join us in this effort—-Will you teach just one person to sew? Will you share of your sewing gift with just one person?
It doesn’t have to be a grandiose project, it can be one simple lesson. And while it could be a whole classroom of people, it really can be someone who already lives with you. It’s the thought of giving of a gift to someone that can touch their lives.
I am sharing more of my story at Totally Stitchin’ today …..for for now….will you leave us a comment if you are in?
There are more things to share including some great prizes that have been donated for this project–both for the teacher and the learner….but we’d love for you to be involved in sharing the gift of sewing.
Wonderful! I think this is a super idea. I love the way younger people are embracing the sewing, knitting, etc. these days. I taught my oldest to sew. My youngest could use a REAL lesson I think. Hmmm…..
I would love to do this! I’ve got my thinking cap on 🙂
That’s a great goal. I helped teach intermediate students at my school last year how to make t-shirt quilts. They were so proud and excited when they each finished and got to take home their own quilt. This year we may sew bags with the class. I’ve been inspired by your skirting the issue and have a bunch of bright knits I’m not using. Students from our school board are going to Tanzania to build a school in the spring. I’m hoping to have my kids sew up skirts and maybe drawstring bags and send them to Tanzania. Just need to work out permissions.
Just the motivation I need. My daughter has been begging me for months now to teach her to sew 🙂
I LOVE LOVE LOVE this idea!!! YES. Emphatically YES.
I was going to teach my husband’s sister to sew this month anyway, so, yes, I’m in. Of course!
I want to learn! So YES YES this is a fabulous idea. I was given a new sewing machine about 6 months ago by a friend of a friend. I WANT to learn but don’t have a clue as where/how to start.
My mother taught me how to sew in the early 1960’s, and since then I have been able to help a number of non-profits with my sewing. Last year, however, I joined Angel Gowns of WNY. They take donated wedding gowns and transform them into little Angel gowns for babies who do not go home from the hospital. While not exactly considered “beginner” sewing, I have been able to teach a few no- sewers and lapsed sewers how to sew these precious gowns. With a huge backlog of 1,000 donated wedding gowns, I look forward to teaching as many more sewers as I can !
I was able to give each of my daughters a sewing/embroidery machine after my mom passed away. We have been trying to get together so they could learn to sew. I will just make it a priority this month.
I actually have someone who has been asking me to teach her to sew… but she keeps re-scheduling the lessons! I’m going to try to join in on this, but with a baby due this month there are no guarantees! =)
Yes! I have one student signed up but for mid-October 🙁
I have a fellow dental hygienist friend that I have been meaning to get together with to teach her some quilt lessons- gonna plan it for Sept!
I have been sewing more for my grandchildren, and 10 year old Evelyn is wanting to learn more. I believe having a definite project that you all recommend will help us so much!
I am in – My son has been asking me to help him sew a pillow!
I will tell my friends and see if they will like to learn.
I am starting to teach sewing lessons to my daughter and her friends this month so this works perfect!
Yes! We are in!
Great idea! Don’t overlook the continuing value of experienced sewistas teaching each other new tips, tricks and techniques. These acts of kindness are part of what keeps our community strong.
Keep up the great work with your blog, I look forward to each of your new
postings and often refer back to your archives for ideas and instruction.
I sew in! Hehe
I am SEW in! I want my DD to learn, she lives 4 hrs away but has access to this & is excited already!! WE can hardly wait, THANKS Ladies!!
I would love for someone to give me more instruction on sewing, it will be a God sent thank you.
I am going to teach one of my daughter-in-law’s to sew. She is a new mother of my beautiful first granddaughter. They have just bought their first house & she is going to set up a bedroom just for sewing. God has blessed us so much this year & I hope everyone that is pledging to so this is blessed also. 🙂 Happy Sewing
Yes, my granddaughter just asked me to teach her how to see. Now is a better time than ever. Thanks
I’m in. started teaching my daughter this summer, and I would love some new easy ideas!
I’m in! I have some friends that are always saying they want to learn to sew.
I taught my older granddaughter, now the younger one wants to learn.i will teach her
Yes, I’m in. I teach kids around the neighborhood how to sew. It is fun to see their faces when they finish a project. I will hopefully find a few more new students.