Last week we shared 2 of our favorite curtain tutorials from the past and today we have one more curtain tutorial for you. Its how to make a curtains in 6 easy steps!!
It’s perfect for beginners and makes for a super fast afternoon project for those who are more experienced with their sewing machines.
What you will need:
5 yards of Home Decor Fabric
A Hot Iron
Your Sewing Machine
How To Make These Simple Curtains:
#1. Measure from the top of your curtain rod to where you would like your curtains to end. (Unless you want to make a standard length which is 84 inches.)
#2. Once you have your measurement add 5 inches to the length. (So if you are doing the standard 84 inches add for more inches to equal 89 inches.)
#3. Cut two panels that are your measurement (with the added 5 inches) long and the width of the fabric as it came on the bolt.
#4. Now you are going to put a finished edge on the sides of both curtain panels. To do this fold back one of your long sides 1/2 inch to the wrong side and press. Then fold that side back one more 1/2 inch, press and top stitch. Repeat this process on the other long side of your curtain panel and both long sides of your remaining curtain panel. This will give you a finished edge on on the sides of your curtain panels.
#5. Next we are going to “hem” the bottom of our curtains. (We will do this exactly how we finished the sides of our curtain panels.) Turn the bottom up 1/2 inch to the wrong side and press. Then fold it under one more 1/2 inch, press, and top stitch.
#6. Now it’s time to create the top casing for you curtain. (Its this casing that you are creating that your curtain rod will run through.) To do this fold the top of your curtain back 1/2 inch to the wrong side and press. Next turn your back 3 inches towards the wrong side and press. This time instead of top stitching just 1 line you will be top stitching 2 lines. The first line will be 2 and 3/4 inches from the top of your curtain and the second one will be a generous 1/4 inch from the top of your curtain. Now you have created a finished top edge AND the casing to put your curtain rod through!
***NOTE***The photo above is a picture of my curtain rod laying on top of the casing before I put it inside the casing. I am showing you this so that you can see there is plenty of room for the curtain rod to go through the casing. However, not all curtain rods are the same side…the casing we made is about 2 and 1/2 inches wide…if your curtain rod is thicker than that you will want to make your casing wider. To do this make that 3 inch fold to the wrong side larger…like 3 and 1/2 inches or 4 inches….depending on how thing your curtain rod is.
Now all you have left to do is thread your curtain rods through your casings, hang, scrunch them into place, and enjoy!
Beautiful new curtain!! I’ve got a Craft Gossip post scheduled for tomorrow morning that links to your tutorial: –Anne
Thanks for the tips! It looks a lot easier to make curtains than I thought. My room desperately needs a new set of curtains, so being able to make my own will help me save a lot of money. I was a bit worried about how hemming the bottom of the curtains works, so it really helps to know that I just have to do the same thing as finishing the sides of the curtain panels.
Sorry. I’m a bit confused. I understand the directions, but how are you forming the “waves” at the top of your curtains? The rod cannot go through the entire casing for this to happen you need to skip some spaces and make several smaller casings all along the way. What am I missing? Thanks for your input.