Just over 5 years ago Elizabeth and I were individually running around doing every local boutique, craft fair, and bazaar we could find. We both had recently become stay at home moms and were love, love, LOVING all things sewing, crafting, and quilting.
Looking back on those years I can’t even begin to count the number of skirts, quilts, bows, dresses, bags, and pegs dolls that we each made. Seriously…I can’t image how many different handmade items that we cranked out…it was fun, and exciting, and we were hooked.
I named my handmade business “Simple Simon and Company” after my oldest (and only child at the time) Simon because, after all, he was the reason that I had chosen to leave teaching to become a stay at home mom. And because I needed a place for customers to find me in between boutiques I started a blog that I rarely if ever posted on.
And eventually Elizabeth and I both started using it…randomly posting items that we were making…but then…one day…I had this idea:
What if we tried to post a new project everyday for 30 days? That would be something fun to try!
So we each took turns, every other day for a month posting a new project and by the end of the month we had found a new love…blogging!!!
Now we could share, interact, teach, and learn with an entire online community….it was a whole new world of awesomeness and we’ve never looked back.
But we haven’t stopped creating either.
And I think eventually we both knew that we would come back to creating goods to sell. Because, after all, we still love to create.
Even after making literally hundreds and hundreds of skirts I will happily sit down and sew up countless more.
And even after painting hundreds of dolls I still find it to be a very relaxing and enjoyable pastime.
So today we are more than excited to officially “OPEN” our online shop. You can find it here: Simple Simon and Company Shop OR it’s at the top of the blog on the tool bar…just click where it says “SHOP”.
We opened it with only exactly 10 items…but we have 12 more ready to go that we will be adding over the next few weeks along with a gajillion others that we have lined up and coming down the pipe! By the end of the year the shop will be full of quilts, quilt kits, paper patterns, pdf patterns, dolls, books, and more!
We will let you know as we continue to add items…but until then, if you have a minute, check out the shop….we are really, so excited about it!
Oh my gosh! It is so neat to hear about how your blog started! I didn’t know you both used to do craft fairs all the time either! I have followed you for a few years now and never knew this! So excited for you both!!! I am off to check it out–I am going to run and get my milk and cookies first–yes, it is 9 a.m. Bravo ladies!
Oh it looks so great and it’s so fun to hear the back story. You ladies amaze me with your productivity!!