The other day my four year old and I were sitting at the table and eating snacks. I was sipping a soda and he was munching on a bowl of Pepperidge Farm® Goldfish® crackers… something we’ve both been doing for years.

Because as we sat there and had snack time I realized something:
#1. Now that he is older he really is a funny kid.
#2. Now he is older.
I started to think about how, without my noticing, the activities have been changing over the years. Where he used to sit and rock him on my lap, he now spreads out next to me when we are reading books at night. And one day…all too soon…time spent with his mom will be replaced with friends, activities, and his growing up life. I was reminded of a quote I had heard long ago that I now suddenly understood.
It was penned by J.M. Barrie the author of Peter Pan and reads, “Young boys should never be sent to bed. They always wake up a day older.”
They always wake up a day older. And before we know it our sweet babies are grown. My little guy is growing up. He starts Kindergarten next year. And I wonder how much longer are we going to sit together at the table chatting crunching Goldfish crackers? I don’t know. But I what I do know is that I don’t regret any of the time that we’ve spent there together…and that I will make the most of the time that I have left with him before I wake up one morning and realize that he’s all grown up.
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I am in the same boat with my 4.5 year old. I’m also expecting a new baby in October, so those hard days are both behind me and ahead again! Recently for snack time I’ve been giving my daughter sliced strawberries, muddled with a tiny bit of sugar and some milk. It’s something my grandmother used to do for me, after we had picked the strawberries from her garden, using the “two for me, one for the bucket” method. I remember sitting in my grandmother’s kitchen, being too small for my feet to touch the floor as I swung my legs and sang to myself. My daughter did the same thing the other night, and it just brought me to tears to think that she is now forming those memories that I remember from early childhood. It’s all coming full circle. And I am so glad she will be old enough to have memories of her new brother or sister. Many more strawberry snacks to come.
Oh, sweetness. Thanks for the reminder.
Cheese in a can, seriously! We didn’t get much store bought snacks and we loved cheese in a can. Mom always made sure we ate it with crackers but what she didn’t know when she wasn’t looking didn’t hurt her or us! LOL
When I was a kid, my mom was a super hippy health nut. One our rare treats were fruit leathers from the health food store. Now they’re one of my girls favorites too and it makes me laugh so see how I’ve totally turned into my mother. ☺
Homemade chocolate chip cookies are one of my favorite things. I loved helping my mom make them, and have loved making them with my own kids. I now have two “tween” daughters who are learning to bake them by themselves. I love being able to pass on this family favorite!
Ice cream brings back fond memories of my dad; he passed away my senior year of high school. He knew he wouldn’t be around for most of my “big moments” (we were blessed to have him for as long as we did!) or grandkids, so he would arrange for ice cream after school once a week. 🙂 We talked about everything he wanted me to know and remember him by, his hopes for me and such, as well as what I had going on at that moment. Now that I’m a mom to a 2 year old, I hope to pass on the tradition, as well as tell her about her grandpa. 🙂
Sunday night popcorn 🙂 Not every Sunday, but often throughout our lives my dad would pop popcorn on the stove. It was always flavored with real butter. Sometimes with Parmesan cheese or with creole seasoning. Or creole and Parmesan, yum. I thought this was the way all popcorn was until I was at a friends house playing and they offered popcorn. Not on Sunday?! What a treat! I quickly said yes. And it was air popped, fake butter flavored and I thought it was horrible 🙂
Mom NEVER cooked on Sunday night. We were taxed with making ‘stuff’. Typically, we would have grape juice – homemade, seriously good – popcorn with so much butter it made the paper bag we put it in totally greasy and blondies – Dad usually ate all the chocolate in the house so never brownies. We watched Wild Kingdom and Disney and then off to bed. Such awesome memories.
Snack cakes always bring back memories of my childhood and enjoying an after school snack.
A day older and a year wiser! Thats what my gramma used to say!
My mom would put thin slices of cheddar cheese on saltine crackers and microwave them just enough to melt. I remember sitting across the counter from her snacking and talking. We had all the usual suspects of after school snacks but this was one of my favorites.
When I was a kid, my favorite snack of all time was a jello,pudding pop. My mother only got them in the summer and they always had some contest where you had to collect to the sticks which had baseball things on them. They were so creamy and cool and delicious and then I’d save the sticks, but I never won. I don’t think they even make them anymore. When I think of summer, those always come to mind!
Goldfish crackers make our family smile because they are super cute and really yummy and they give our family fond memories.
My Grandfather and I bonded over hotdogs.
My girls and I, though, while fond of hotdogs, usually snack on popcorn together and chat.
I feel the same way. I have no idea where the past 15 years went!
My favorite snack as a child was homemade chocolate frosting on a saltine cracker. Something my Grandma did. It is so good! I know how you feel about your son going to Kindergarten next year. My granddaughter that I’ve cared for while her mom works (since birth) will also go. She had PK graduation last week and I came home and cried all afternoon ! She like to snack on a bowl of Goldfish crackers and mini marshmellows, something she’s done for several years because she couldn’t ever decide between the two. Such great times together, I will miss her so.
original chips 🙂 and I totally agree–my oldest is 7! It seems like such a short time ago that he was born!
Rice Krispy bars with caramel in the middle. My mom made them very sparingly & they were a favorite!
My mom’s Cinnamon rolls and her oatmeal raisin cookies were my favorite snacks growing up! And she always made this special German yeast dough that was covered in struestal! I wish I had some right now!
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Apples and peanut butter always brings back great childhood memories. I used to eat them all the time with my mom as an afternoon snack.
Saltine crackers make me think of childhood.
We would make popcorn in an old popcorn maker – way before the microwave came about!
Combos bring back good memories for me. We use to eat them at my great grandmas house playing cards and bingo.
i would have to say m&ms
chocolate covered raisins. My dad would keep them in a jar beside his chair usually the were only his. Whenever we were alone with him he would make a big deal about giving us some in secret. He always told me I was his favorite girl and that’s why he only shared them when we were alone. Later when he did this with grandchildren, I found out he told all of us kids the same thing.
Corn puffs make me think of my childhood
Animal crackers bring back fond memories for childhood.
tcarolinep at gmail dot com
Aw! Love this! one day in elementary school we came home to cream puffs. they were so good! It only happened once.
I still miss Mom’s chocolate chip cookies!
…and there is only one thing I can remember about my great-grandfather… his cookie drawer! 🙂
My family always used to eat cheese sandwiches dipped in our hot chocolate. We had it almost every Sunday night. Its an acquired taste and i love it. It always makes me feel little again.
Animal crackers, frosted and plain and also Cracker Jacks.
cshell090869 at aol dot com
Goldfish snacks went everywhere with us for many years when the kids were small. I still love them!
girl scout cookies always remind me of being a kid!
Thanks for the chance to win!
wildorchid985 AT gmail DOT com
We used to snack on Goldfish during long car rides.
For me, it is Entemann’s pastries. When I was a little girl, my friend’s family had a beach house on the Jersey shore. Every summer I would be invited to spend a week there and for breakfast my friend’s father would make HUGE batches of Bisquick pancakes with bacon, sausage and ham and Entemann’s crumb cake, donuts or strudel on the side. The only time I’d get those Entemann’s donuts was at my friend’s beach house.
Christmas cookies always bring back great childhood memories for me! I loved baking and decorating them with my mom when I as young!
Popcorn makes me think of movie night with my family.
Oatmeal cookies remind me of summers with my Grandmother when we would bake together. Thanks so much.
Thanks again.
I remember what a treat a popsicle was on a hot summer day when we were kids.
Popcorn reminds me of game night with my family
We always loved hot buttered popcorn as kids.
I love cheese and crackers, that used to be my go to after school snack
We eat goldfish on a road trip whenever we saw an out of state license plate! fond memories of every road trip!
tvollowitz at aol dot com
Windmill cookies are what do it for me.
Oatmeal cookies have memories for me as a child. My mom and I used to bake them at Christmas time for all our friends and family
Rice Krispy treats remind me of my childhood.
Twinkies brings back good memories for me.
My sis and I would share them – they were our favorite.
thank you
One snack that really brings back memories is some air popped popcorn with lots of butter 🙂 My mom used to make us popcorn when we’d have movie night and that was just one of the best things ever 🙂
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i have fond memories of my daughter eating fruit snacks when she was really little
Peanut butter crackers and cheese sticks bring back fond snacking memories for me!
Cheesecake always brings back fond memories. Growing up we ate dinner at my grandmas every sunday (was a family get together thing) and she always had made a desert.. many times she made cheesecake just for her and
I because it was our favorite … I always looked forward to it!!
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The snacks that bring back fond memories for me, is the pretzel rod sticks, my grandma always had a huge canister full of them, she use to give them to use with some apples and cheese, and peanut butter for dipping while she read to us.
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Jolly Ranchers bring back memories of long car trips, because we always took them along.
Grandma would make us brown sugar sandwiches. Bread, butter and brown sugar. It was amazing.
The snack that always brings back fun memories for me is my grannies oatmeal raisin cookies!
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Peanut butter crackers & chocolate milk bring back fond memories of my childhood.
My mom always made chocolate chip cookies for us especially when we took road trips. To this day I love her cookies the most!
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old fashioned red and white mints always remind me of my grandpa! He always had a few in his pocket!
Strawberries because they remind me of gardening with my mom.
i love animal crackers
Chips-a-hoy cookies bring back memories of visiting my great grandmother. I never understood why she kept her cookies in the freezer but I do know that they taste better that way.
Oreos! My mom didn’t buy much junk food so when we got treats it was a BIG deal.
ice cream
Pringles bring back memories for me of my grandmother. She ate them daily and always had them in the house.
kport207 at gmail dot com
i remember that my daughter always loved goldfish when she was small and still likes them today
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Gummy bears bring back memories of childhoood
As a kid, my favorites were pumpkin seeds and sunflower seeds.
Every time I eat taco Doritos, it takes me back to summer days at the local pool with my mom, sipping warm lemonade and eating warm PB&Js by the pool. GREAT times!
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Chocolate chip cookies! My mom always made them. 🙂
Animal crackers bring back fond memories for me as my Mom always gave those to me.
Definitely cheddar cheese goldfish bring back memories….we always took along little baggies of them wherever we went! Also those little boxes of animal crackers. Actually I still like both!
Lots and lots of fresh cherries.
I used to love cheetos.
White Cheddar Cheez its! I loved those when I was younger!
Cookies bring me back to making them homemade as a kid.
S’mores bring up some awesome childhood memories for me! 🙂
M&M’s bring me fond memories of when my great aunt used to have a bowl of them out for the kids in my family when we visited her.
I have fond memories of Mom teaching me how to make pizza snacks in the oven with saltines, tomato sauce, mozzarella, and oregano.
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Goldfish are fun
animal crackers were my go-to snack! Always loved having a little box of my own!
Peanut butter cookies always bring back fond memories for me.
Buttered popcorn brings back fond memories of my childhood, my Mom always made it for us on the weekends.
Snacks that bring back fond memories for me are apple sauce and crackers
have been eating them since I was a kid
I can never find them anymore, I’ve looked within the last few years…but those ice cream marshmellow treats. They were a cone on the bottom, and then the ice cream looking thing on the top was marshmellow…reminds me of growing up eating them with my dad.
Skittles bring back memories for me. My Mom used to bring me home a bag every Saturday when she got out of work.
buttery popcorn reminds me of my mom who always made it on the stovetop
Oreos bring back fond memories for me!
I used to eat Butter Bread and Jelly Bread put together in a sandwich. Reminds me of when I was a child.
Hostess Ho Hos and Ding Dongs!
Smores bring me fond memories!
My daughter about lost it the other night when she found out I ate all the baby’s Goldfish. Had to buy them 3 bags to make up for it….and another bag for me!!
Rice krispy treats always make me remember making them with my mom and grandma. 🙂
Microwave popcorn and celery filled with peanut butter.
Popcorn brings back memories
Goldfish crackers were not around when I was growing up and I haven’t found any that I like. We used to make popcorn very often.
Thanks for the contest.
I loved having oreos I also loved making and eating popcorn balls
Cracker Jacks bring back memories for me.My dad used to buy them for my brother and I 🙂
Grapes, I remember eating them growing off vines in my grandmother’s backyard
tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com
tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com
My grandfather was a brand rep for Sunshine Biscuits so they always had Cheez-It’s in their pantry. Every time I buy a box, I think of him!
M&M’s and popcorn bring back fond memories for me.
The snack hat brings back fond memories for me as a kid is my mom makingher specialty no bake banana split cake so delicious, always makes me think of mom!
Popcorn brings back great memories. Even after I had married and had children of my own when I would go home to visit we would always make popcorn to snack on.
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They are king in our house. We reward the kids with them when they get their chores done.
Animal crackers and raisinettes
I remember eating Fig Newtons at the drive in movies and those two things are always associated now for me!
I remember Fig Newtons and Frosted Animal crackers being my favorite snacks way back when I was young.
My mom always made me graham crackers with peanut butter
mini marshmallows make me think of snowdays off from school and sipping hot cocoa and the big marshmallows bring back fond memories of campfires
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Jiffy Pop popcorn, (the one that came in a tin pan and it puffed up as you cooked it on the stove top) and goobers.
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Homemade stovetop popcorn with melted butter. Yum!
The snack bring back fond memories for me is to eat Goldfish, with a little pepperoni.
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Air popped corn with butter and parmesan cheese. Mom always made this for us and now my daughter loves when I make it for her.
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Popcorn, Goldfish crackers, Chex Mix and M&M’s are the snacks that bring back many memories.
Chocolate chip cookies! My dad and I always baked them together. Somehow the cookies I make as an adult never turn out as good.
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Graham crackers in a big glass of milk are really nostalgic for me, I loved coming home from school and settling down with them in front of my favorite TV show