So here’s a story.
I’ve been a bit under the weather and have been for awhile. I’m having a few issues with my blood levels that is making it hard for my body to regulate things like my body temperature and energy levels. I’m not complaining. In fact, I am full of hope. As you read this I’m probably in the hospital getting some IV treatments that I’ve been waiting for for what seems like an eternity and I am hopeful that they will help.
Now, I’m not tell telling you this so that you will feel bad for me because I’m totally fine but I need you to have that information to set the stage for my story of the day….
So I’m always cold…always. And now I’m always tired…always. So if I am here at the house I am usually wearing layers of clothing and socks and am wrapped in a blanket (even while sewing, ironing, or reading with the kids). And I tend to fall asleep if left alone anywhere…on the couch…on the floor…in the hall…wherever. And since this is where I am at and will be for awhile yet I went to Wal-Mart and bought myself some comfortable clothes. (Yes, people Wal-Mart.)
And while I was there I found a table full of leggings for $2. Now, I don’t advocate wearing leggings as pants unless you are under the age of 10 but for $2 I thought what the heck! I could fall asleep in those anywhere and be comfortable and since I wasn’t planning to leave the house in them I bought some.
And one pair in particular I was pretty excited about….they were fleece lined! That’s right fleece lined stretchy pants!!! I would be warm and comfortable. It was a dream come true and I wore them the very next day. And they were everything I thought they would be. Although they didn’t seem to fit quite how I thought they should….But I didn’t care I was so warm and besides I wasn’t going anywhere….until…
…I realized we were out of milk…
So I ran to the store. I’d only be in there a minute…no one would see me…I didn’t need to change…
But on the way there I realized I needed to go to the bank to get some cash….
And after the store Ruth spilled crackers all over the floor of the van so we had to go to the gas station and use the vacuum….
Two hours (and running into a million people I knew) later I returned home and started in on some chores.
One of these chores was to clean my bedroom and there sitting on my bed was the package for my new delightfully deluxe leggings.
“Boy these are great leggings.” I thought to myself. “I should really look on the package to see who made them so I can go get some more. These babies are DY-NO-MITE!”
So I looked on the package and wouldn’t you know it I discovered that they weren’t leggings at all. Nope not at all.
They were, in fact, tights.
Not pants, not leggings. But tights. Fleece tights.
And not only were they tights but they were girls fleece tights…that I wore around all day as if they were pants.
“Well,” I thought “at least that explains the weird fit issue.” 🙂
PS: Unfortunately that isn’t my only recent adventure…This week for my Boy Scout Troop’s Rain Gutter Regatta I showed up to the race without any of my Den’s boats…I forgot two appointments…I almost chopped off Elizabeth’s hand while I was using a rotary cutter hatchet style on a piece of rope…and my current method for keeping track of important papers was discovered. Currently I keep everything I need to remember in the front jacket of the book in the picture above. I don’t know why, but it seemed reasonable enough when I started doing it. Although now, it seems more than reasonable, it seems like, well, like destiny. Hopefully I will choose my next book a little more carefully so I don’t find myself running around all over town without pants on again.
You are killin’ me Liz!!! First, I don’t even know how you did all those errands feeling the way you do! (O.K., maybe, I’m a mom also. However, I know I would have let the cracker crumbs go!) I can’t believe this!! My shock is now turning to laughter. I tell you, if I were there and you told me this, I would be in such “hyena” hysterics my migraine would be FULL on right now and my stomach would be killing me! Tights? I can’t even… poor thing. And I am so sorry to hear about your health issues. Prayers for you. Oh my gosh–there goes the head. And I had wanted to share my crazy story that seems like an Elizabeth and Liz situation. I have said enough for one comment! And mine does not even compare. This has got to be the best story yet.
Is there anything I can do to help you with some blog posts? I’d be happy to take some pressure off of you to come up with daily content.
By the way, Miss E was so excited to win the March Challenge at Project Run and Play that she decided she should share her Grandmother’s sewing lessons with everyone. We started post a sewing lesson every Friday on our blog.
Deborah Devine
I can’t get over your awesomeness!
Oops! When in doubt, check out this flowchart!