Its that time of year again when people everywhere are setting goals. And it seems that all of these goals pretty much fall into one of three main categories: Get out of debt, organize the house, and get into shape. (No matter how wonderfully they are worded, or with what determination they are set they all seem to fit nicely into one of those three areas.)
And while those are all worthy goals, I was thinking that maybe there were some other goals that rarely get set. And these resolutions may be just as beneficial as the others….and are possibly even easier to keep.
Please. Thank you. You Are Welcome. Such short easy words to say….but rarely ones I hear anymore. And how about holding the door for someone else…even if they are a stranger? Or waiting for a pedestrian to cross the road?
The other day I let a lady go in front of me in the checkout line because she only had a few items and my cart was loaded. When I asked if she would like to go in front of me she stared at me…suspicious of my intentions. So I explained my reasoning and she went ahead….but kept glancing back at me and my cart as if at anytime I was going to attack and pounce her loaf of bread. It was funny. And sad. Have we fallen so far that when someone has manners we suspect them of something nefarious?
Maybe. But we can change that. We can cause a revolution! Let’s bring back manners!
Buckle Up. Drive the Speed Limit. Stop Texting. Don’t Drive Drunk. Let People Merge! Stop Tailgating.
Wouldn’t that make everyone’s commute better?
The 5th Dimension knew what they were talking about (at least in the chorus) when they said, “Let the Sunshine, Let the Sunshine In, The Sunshine In!”
When its daylight open those drapes and blinds. Let the natural light fill your home, apartment, office, whatever.
Or even better if you can steal away on your break, lunchtime, or whenever you can catch a minute, walk outside…in the sunlight…feel it on your face. Your mental heath will thank you for it.
We all have too much stuff. Extra clothes, shoes, blankets, etc that we just are not using.
But someone else could.
Find a closet in your home where you could park a box. Then each month as you go about your business look for things you don’t use but just take up space (those old winter boots, the maroon set of towels from Aunt Matilda, that extra set of dishes you got for your wedding…and have never used).
As you identify the items take them and place them in your box. When the box is full take the contents to the charity drop off location of your choice. (Aren’t sure where the nearest one is? Google it! You’ll be surprised by your choices.)
Then repeat, repeat, repeat.
Your house will thank you and the family using crazy Aunt Matilda’s bath towels will thank you to.
Everyday we are surrounded by so much noise…traffic, the phone, the computer, television, radio…it gets hard to think.
Try to carve out a few minutes of quiet for yourself…to be alone and quiet…to recharge and center yourself. Everyone needs down time, if only for a few minutes.
(As a mother of young children I know this is hard…but you need it. I KNOW you need it.)
Some people are jerks. And they do mean things. And you want to punch them in the face. Really hard. Everyday for a year. But that is not what this resolution is advocating. (Because jail is not delightful.)
What it is advocating however, is that you pick someone and forgive them. Even if they don’t apologize and even if they do deserve the 365 days worth of upper cuts.
Why? Because you will feel better.
You will feel better.
Make that peace inside of yourself. Frankly forgive and move on. (You don’t even need to tell them they are forgiven if you don’t want to.) But let go of that control they have over you. Forgive so you can heal.
#7. SING
Loud and proud. In the shower. In the car. While making dinner. Whenever the urge strikes.
Just….well…Let it go!
(That’s right I said “Let it Go!” as in “…Don’t hold it back anymore!”)
It makes you feel better. (Unless you catch yourself singing “Working 9 to 5” out loud… at a crowded gym…full of bench pressing dudes…but other than that it does make you feel better.)
Sure, you may feel silly at first but who cares? Belt out your favorite tunes. Release that American Idol. It would do us all some good to spend a few minutes being the star of our own musical everyday.
I miss people. Their faces and their voices. Sure I love my emojis a lot, perhaps too much. But I miss real LOL-ing with my BFF’s.
Can we call each other and just talk? Or better yet let’s visit face to face…in person, and not through a computer screen.
I know that isn’t always possible but when it is….I’d love to see your face.
Who puts this on their new year’s resolution list?
5 hours isn’t cutting it.
I need more sleep and I would bet you do to.
We’d all be happier and drink way less caffeine if we could catch some Z’s. So turn off your computer, the TV, or that game and go to bed. Seriously. Go to sleep.
#10. SERVE
How great would it be if everyone did just one nice thing a week for someone else?
Anything from donating blood, to buying the persons drink behind you in line.
Take in your neighbor’s garbage can. Give that homeless guy a sandwich. Hold the door open for the mom with her arms full of groceries.
Once a week. Something to lighten someone else’s load.
That would be awesome.
Be nice.
Just be nice.
And give more compliments while you’re at it. You fabulous goal setter you. 🙂
When is the last time you drank your 8-10 glasses of water per day?
That is what I thought.
Clean it up! And drink it down.
(Your skin, eyes, and kidneys will thank you.)
So there you have it.
A dozen new years resolutions that nobody is making…but maybe they should be….
(It’s not too late…you could still add some of them to your list! At the very least you could sing in the shower for a few minutes….)
LOVE these resolutions! Thanks for the reminders that simple actions can make a big impact. I find myself really needing a bit of quiet time these days (I have a 4 month old)…a few minutes in the morning enjoying a cup…or a few sips…of coffee before she and the husband wake up really do make a difference in my day. Happy 2015!
Great list! Let’s do it!
I don’t really make resolutions, but these are all things that I’ve been striving to do, not just this year but all of the time. It’s a great list!
Love this. I am so for MANNERS!!! I am happy to let a car in front of me, hold the door open. However, I HATE IT when I get no wave, mouthed “thank you”, or a thanks at the door. UGH! People, lets be kind in response! I wave frantically, and a few times, just to be sure they see me when someone lets me in. I always send written thank yous. My girls do also–to all FOUR sets of their grandparents–birthdays and Christmas. I think it is so important to show our gratitude.
We have been giving monetarily, more and more, over the years. We started sponsoring a young girl in Rwanda also. I have recently started feeling the need to give of myself and not just our money (and clothing/household donations). I wasn’t sure WHAT I wanted to do and now I know–I just have to find an organization here in my area.
I am good on the sleep and water. I am home during the day and don’t have any TV or music on. Weird I know, but I prefer the silence. Thank you for sharing. Sorry for the carrying on…can you tell I am passionate about one resolution in particular? 🙂
Love these ideas! And since there are twelve, I could focus on one a month since I can barely remember things these days. 😉
When I’m finished crying I will get right to it. Seriously a beautiful list of goals for this new year
I love this list and I am so proud to say that I do almost all of them! It feels good to be intentional about, well…feeling good.
And making others feel good too.
Woohoo!! You go, girl.
A few years ago I made a resolution to laugh more, sing more and dance more. I’ve re-made that resolution every year since and have for the most part managed to keep it.
Quiet time really does make a difference!!!
Spot on!!!
Beautiful list of resolutions. I heard a great story today on the radio program “Here and Now” that talked about the health and safety dangers of sleep deprivation that drives home the wisdom of getting more sleep. We might all want to listen to that radio piece and resolve to get more sleep and then keep the rest of the lovely, life-affirming resolutions on the list when we awake, well-rested and ready to greet the day.
These are great! My resolutions are always “sleep 8 hrs a night, walk the dog everyday, and wear lipstick.” Some practical, some silly, but it’s what works for me. I’ve made some goals for 2015, but those are different. Your list is such a back to basics that we all need. But you forgot- clean the sewing room! Lol
love it! every single one is perfect 🙂
These are great resolutions! Great thinking! I would love to re-post, but I just can’t bring myself to re-post so many typos. I know I’m a grammar freak, but…
I love this post. I’m going to put them all into practice for 2015!
Love this post!!! and the quilt a month designs too, need to catch up already!!
Drive the speed limit? I’m hoping that you also mean those slow people who cannot seem to get near the speed limit. THAT would improve my commute immensely!