I shared this quote on our Facebook page over the weekend…it’s been on my mind for awhile.
I love this time of year. It always reminds me of how much I have…which when I think about it I suppose it really should do the opposite for me…with the holidays coming our budget is always very tight and what we have to spend is well, very limited. Which means most of the gifts we give each year are handmade instead of the latest and greatest.
But this year more than any other I feel full of gratitude for what I have…I have a warm place to live and people that I love to make those handmade gifts for…not to mention…clean drinking water, enough food to eat, clothing to wear, and books to read. My needs are met, not everyone can say the same, and I am thankful for what I have…even if most days I take the mundane laundry piles, ramen for lunch, and a house full of noisy children for granted.
Which reminds me…months after our 2014 Skirting the Issue ended we have still received more skirts…and I continue to be filled with thanksgiving for all of you. Not only have we been able to give skirts to several local foster care closets but we have been able to share them with crisis centers and have another load ready to send to a reservation next week.
We could never do this without you. And we appreciate it.
Anyway…I’m not sure what the point of today is except be thankful…we all have more to be grateful for than we realize…and thank you for helping us help others…and happy National Parfait day (which it really is today).
Along with the same things you are thankkful for (food, shelter, and a wonderful family never gets old), I am thankful for you and Elizabeth and all the good you do in the world. And for being able to make these connections with people I have never met- I am so very thankful for the internet:)
Happy Thanksgiving, friends!
We love you…you know you are one of the people we talk about as if we lived next door to you even though we’ve never met. Although, I don’t know if we’ve ever told you this or not but we call you “Falafel” and not Michelle everytime we talk about you. 🙂