This isn’t what I had planned to post for today…in fact, I had something else written about our Skirting the Issue Sewing night…but I keep thinking about something that happened over the weekend and I think maybe I should share that instead….
Last weekend I took my children to a busy place…and I was tired and hungry and just wanted to be back home. But there I needed to wait for awhile. There was no place to sit but I didn’t want my three kids running around so I found a corner and we all sat down and shared a snack from my bag.
It was self preservation I tell you. I was worn out and I just needed everyone to be quiet, be still, and stay together. I felt ridiculous setting up camp right there on the floor but like I said I was in self preservation mode. So there we sat and chatted and ate our Cookie Crisp from a baggie.
Then my husband appeared! Help had arrived!!! And as we gathered up our items (and our children) someone took my elbow. It was an elderly gentleman who had been sitting on a chair facing us.
He whispered in my ear about watching me with my kids and how he could tell I was a good mother, giving me very specific examples. And I began to cry.
The old mans words were like a soothing balm to my soul….How could he know I have spent the last week agonizing over decisions about my Ruth’s developmental concerns and wondering if I was making the right choices for her. Or that earlier in the day I had been beating myself up about Grace’s reading scores. Or that while we were sitting there I was feeling overwhelmed with guilt that I had let another summer slide by without teaching Simon to swim.
He didn’t know.
But I was at an all time motherhood low and I needed some kindness.
My well was empty…and then without warning someone touched my elbow and filled me back up.
When he left he said I reminded him of something nice from a long time ago and as I watched him walk away I said a silent prayer and thanked God for angels.
That is just the sweetest. It makes me tear up thinking how lovely and kind we can all be to each other.
Beautiful. God always provides just what we need when we need it!
oh… your story brought tears to my eyes. Keep on keeping on momma! We raised 3 children, with some homeschooling education years, and assorted struggles along the way. Looking back (now a mimi to 4 grandbabies), those hectic, stressful, busy, adventurous years were the best, running a very close second with being grandparents! Thank you for sharing your story.
This made me cry (and not just because of the raging new-mom-again hormones.) When my older son was a baby a lady said something similar to me at the grocery after a particularly hectic and demanding day and sleepless night and I sat in my car and cried before I could get it together to drive home. I think God knows when we need a little encouragement and sends the right person our way. Keep up the good work, Mama!
Okay, add my tears to the accumulating total of tears shed as your readers reflected on your words. This summer my daughter and I have agonized about whether or not to hold our “soon to be Kindergartner” back or not. We decided to give her one more year … we want her to love learning. So liZ, the tears flowed because we want to do what is right for her too. Thanks for sharing your story.
Deborah Devine
Love, love, love this! Thank you for posting this. It is so important to do that–share a bit of goodness. What a kind man. For as good as he made you feel, you did the same for him. What a moment. I call them “God Moments”. It is one of those times when something special happens–an exchange, witnessing something, hearing a story that impacts you. Something that is the tap on our shoulder to say “remember, God is good, life is good, learn, love, be kind”. Those kind of things. 🙂 Thank you for sharing. And boy I needed that moment yesterday at the mall with my daughter. We found a spot to rest, fill ourselves with some energy, and share a quiet moment in the chaos of shopping for a few school items. I would have done the same!
That was beautiful. This line, ‘My well was empty…and then without warning someone touched my elbow and filled me back up.’, made me tear up. Which is not my style at all. Yet, last night I threw a wooden spoon across the kitchen (it burnt me, while I was making dinner, so it started the fight) and that is not like me at all. I think my well was empty. Thank you for sharing.
We never know when just taking a moment to share a few kind words and a smile will be a real blessing to someone who is in the midst of a struggle! Thank you for sharing your story – it’s a sweet reminder to me to stop and say what’s on my heart … even if the introvert in me would rather just offer a shy smile and move along! Every day I pray that God will use me to be a blessing … and sometimes I forget that He gave me eyes to see the good and a voice to be an encouragement!
Thank you for this posting. It was exactly what i needed… Been struggling with my lacking motherhood skills dealing with my moody 31 months old boy. I teared up reading this. So glad you felt the touch of Angel’s wings!!
I’ve had that moment as well, although mine wasn’t about kids (I’m sure I’ll be there eventually, but I’ve only got one tiny baby right now). I am so grateful for those people who have a gift for speaking love to people they don’t even know. What a blessing to those around them!
It’s good to be reminded of the bigger picture. You’re a good mom because of the love you offer. Even if every choice isn’t perfect, the love you pour out grows and heals your children beyond what you can fully know.
Now I’m going to try to remember my own advice for when I’ve got several children around my ankles and exhaustion up to my ears! 🙂
What a wonderful post, I have tears in my eyes for being so sweet and knowing that there is still kindness in the world.
Thank you for the cleansing tears. Being a mama ain’t an easy job.
I love blessings in disquise! You will get what you need in the time that you need it.
GOD is so great, and he touches us in so many ways, I am a grandma now after raising 3 boys, I worked 4 10 hr days so I would have more time home with the boys, because I worked I was a very strict mom, and I had 2 that were learning disabled and 1 that tested in tenth grade when he was in 4rth, so when the school could not teach my children something, I would go to the store and buy the things to teach myself so I could teach them..I was not a perfect mom by any means but the boys new they were my time on earth is very short, I am dying, or I should say heading to my real home, always teach your children about are lord Jesus and GOD, this is so important and makes a big difference in there life. I have not regrets except leaving my family, I just got my 3rd grandchild on Monday. I am so glad that GOD sent one of his angels to touch you when you needed it. GOD bless you sweet mama, he will always guide you, just don’t forget to talk to him..