Every July we are always surprised by the generosity of others…both by all of you who sew along and by our sponsors. And this year is no exception.
For every skirt that any of you sew and donate to charity for Skirting the Issue you will be entered to win one of the following gifts that have been so graciously provided by our sponsors:
The first gift is amazing.
Babylock will be giving away one of their Elizabeth sewing machines to one of you!
I use this machine almost everyday and I LOVE it…and not just because of it’s name! (Although “The Elizabeth” is a fabulous name 🙂 ) It has pretty much ruined me for any other machine. Seriously. It is so quiet and easy to thread and use…plus it has some features that will totally spoil you…like the automatic thread cutter and the needle threading device…and then there is the little computer screen….and all the decorative stitches….
Whoever wins this machine is going to love it!
And they have also sent us 2 boxes of delicious MadeiraThread to give away to 2 of you as well!
I am all about the colors of these threads…they are brilliant!
(And we really need to thank Babylock for all their support during this event. They have been nothing but kind to us and our endeavors. They are truly a generous company that is interested in their customers and we feel blessed to be able to work with them.)
Our next sponsor has sponsored Skirting the Issue all three years. They have been with us from the beginning and are always quick to offer support.
The Fat Quarter Shop will be giving away a $50 gift certificate to their shop to 2 of you who se along with us.
I want this prize! The Fat Quarter Shop is FULL of the greatest selection of fabrics plus they are fast and efficient in getting their orders out. If you haven’t ordered fabric from them before you should…you won’t be disappointed.
Next up is another long time friend that has been with us for years. Riley Blake Designs:
Again this year they are giving away a fat quarter bundle of their ADORABLE fabric to 2 of you who sew along with us. I LOVE their fat quarter bundles…every time I have gotten one I nerd out over all the choices in the bundle and all the things I can make with it. We love Riley Blake Designs. Both their fabric and their company…we have been lucky enough to work with them on many different projects and have loved our involvement with them.
Our next sponsor is a company we can’t say enough good about….
For the past few years we’ve been able to work with The Ribbon Retreat and have seen first hand their passion not only for all projects ribbon related but their love of sewing…and that passion is contagious. They are always cooking up some fun over there and I am always excited when we get to be a part of it.
This year The Ribbon Retreat is giving 2 of you a $35 gift certificate to their shop.
And last but not least we have another “from the beginning” shop with us.
I want to buy EVERYTHING they have….which is saying something because every single day they have new items! And seriously everything is DARLING. From scarves to cute outdoor lights they have a little bit of everything and all of it is amazingly priced.
This year Pick Your Plum giving one of you who sew along with us a $50 sewing box!!!
(How awesome is that…and how much do I want to steal if for myself???)
It is such a generous line up of gifts and we are excited to give them away to you!
The deadline to have your skirts made and donated is August 15. So you still have time to get sewing and enter to win one of these prizes. (For all the details you can click here: Skirting the Issue)
As of today we are just over 300 skirts that have been made to be donated! (And remember you can mail them to us if you aren’t sure where you can donate them locally!) In our prior two years we have had 500 items made and donated and it would be so great to reach that number again this year.
Thank you again to all of you who have sewn along with us. It means a lot.
Thanks for rounding up those prizes, but I can’t tell you how great it felt when I gave my skirt away. The young lady promised to wear it to the first day of school.
Thanks again.
Deborah Devine@sewmuchtogive
I am very new to sewing and new to your blog. I would like to participate. I only know how to make one type of skirt with elastic. Are there any rules to the type of skirt we make?