Ever since liZ posted this picture of the nest in her front yard, I have been thinking about mother birds and building nests. And then I came across this quote that got me thinking even more about nesting and the art of homemaking.
“Did you know that barn swallows make more than 1,200 mud-carrying trips in order to construct their nests? One single nest of a hooded oriole was found to contain 3,387 separate pieces of material. It seems to me that birds invest everything—their time, their energy, their means, their own comfort—to make a home and rear their young. It is not a priority that is given second place or avoided. It takes first place.” ~Virginia Jensen
Birds invest everything into building a nest….it is not second priority…it is first.
Wow. That’s motherhood at its finest.
And whether a mother only has 15 minutes each day “building her nest” or many more hours, it’s the priority given that matters.
So, there is my art of homemaking goal for this month—to prioritize “building my nest.”
Because the end result of raising good kids is worth my time energy and my own comfort. Even at 3:30 pm when I am exhausted and every kid needs something different….I can picture that mother bird sitting on her nest in the hot sun to protect her little ones….and I can do it too.
I agree 100%, well said! 🙂
Simply said, sweet, and so perfect. It makes me smile–thanks.