(some new pillows in the making)
The last couple of months have been a lesson in “starting over” for me in many ways. We moved, the kids moved schools, and we are officially starting over in a new neighborhood and as corny as it sounds a whole new world. I had to find a new grocery store (one where I don’t have things memorized) and a lot of new “firsts” even though we only moved about 15 away.
And while I was fully expecting it to be hard….I think it’s in the “starting over” phases of our lives that we grow. I now have to go out of my way to say hello to neighbors (it was easy before to talk to all of them because I knew them all so well) and suffice it to say—I am a bit of an introvert. But’s it’s good for growing….at least that is what I am telling myself everyday.
And the new house….it’s in “starting over” too. I am still trying to find a silverware drawer (there isn’t really a good one and I keep moving it around every day…which confuses the whole family) and still am surrounded by about boxes, but I am slowly getting there.
I have officially decided that this week is the week to hang up pictures—that always makes it feel like home. And that’s part of the art of homemaking…making it feel like home.
Hi! Before today I hadn’t read your blog I came across a tutorial you shared, found on pinterest. (lol are you surprised?) For reasons unknown, today I have a few quiet moments while the family sleeps in (Saturday mornings!). I came to say thank you! Your posts about life and searching for a balance to it all has been inspiring. It’s all too easy (for me) to lose sight of what’s important, and am I good enough is definitely something I struggle with. Too often, sadly.
I don’t do near the projects, sewing, crochet, crafts with the kids, social activity, that I wish to happen. And then second guess myself. Why can’t I do it all, all the time? Why are there days Nothing goes right, I lose my patience, the dishes don’t get done, I lose an important paper. I mean, who Does these things? LOL Me, and countless others. Yet, I think it’s only me. Everyone else is doing it right, and I’m too embarrassed to open my front door because the house is a wreck! So, I make plans and accomplish some.
Then!! I come across your writing about homemaking and I feel a sense of peace, that I’m right where I am supposed to be! Thank you! For your honesty and thoughtfulness to share the daily things! 🙂
Hope you are having a fantastic weekend! I’m off to tape up 4-6 boxes and sort through our house, getting ready for a neighborhood garage sale next weekend!! And try to make time to crochet mandalas, my new found love in crochet! And, make skirts for my two girls (12 and 8) from your pattern, the knit skirt made with striped knit! 🙂 LOL And as I proof read my writing, I realize: I may not get all this done! 🙂
Kind regards,
Vanessa (mom of 7, Oregon)