“I can’t figure out what’s wrong—but I am in a funk.”
“I’ve noticed,” he replied. “What can I do?”
“I don’t know.”
And that was the thing. I couldn’t even put my finger on what the funk was about….just that I was feeling awful with just about everything. And I knew that I was doing it to myself. But I also didn’t know how to get out of it. I told him I really didn’t know….but I promised I would work on it. So I thought about it. And thought. And thought.
Peeling-the-onion-type-thinking (as my mom calls it). And eventually came to the conclusion that it wasn’t one thing in particular…..just a bunch of “I’m not good enough moments.”
And unfortunately I let those little things get into my head and work themselves up into a big funk.
So, a couple of weeks ago I began the process of digging out. I said no to some things I normally would have stressed myself out to do. I started going back for morning walks (even bundled up). And most of all I tried to stop the negative talk about myself (that was on the hubby’s request).
In doing some reading, I came across this quote above. And printed it out on my fridge to look at and read everyday.
“To learn to be content with who I am…..”
That is the lesson that I needed to learn. And although I think it is a life-long process, it is helping the funk.
How have you learned to be content with who you are? I really would love to know….
I’m trying to dig myself out of the same thing! After a disappointing holiday sale season, I got myself into a “why bother” mentality that is now keeping me from working on the business improvements that I promised myself I would get to after the holidays!
Thank you for this post Elizabeth!
Your not the only one! I know exactly how your feeling but I am really bad at recognizing it in myself, my husband is usually the one to point it out. I go through a “funk” every winter or when I don’t feel like I am accomplishing anything. I am trying to come out of one right now! My hubby and I just had a very emotional talk about it last week -me being the emotional one-. I came to the conclusion that I didn’t feel like I was doing or wanting to do everything “I should be doing”. Example: Spending more time with the kids, feeling like I was getting the housework up to my standard, doing a good job at work, doing a good job on my blog, being more happy and less irritated, more appreciative ect….
So that brought me the but load of guilt that I feel I cannot overcome, which gets me in my “funk”.
I am working on snapping myself out of them faster (recognizing it) and yes, accepting myself for who I am. I am incredibly bad at comparing myself to other(s) and when I do it’s not good because I generally don’t think on the positive side, left side, right side, it’s always the down side and what I am not doing or can’t do, to be “great like that”. I feel good when I am accomplishing something and I don’t feel like I have been accomplishing anything great lately. Noticed how I slipped in “great”. -I need to get over that-.
I will come to a point were it will be okay to be “okay” and then appreciate that.
I can sympathize. I have been feeling much the same way. My husband and kids have commented recently on the fact that I seem very “meh” (their words) lately. They asked what was causing it, and I don’t have a good answer. In fact, as they rightly pointed out, things have actually been looking up for us lately and so I should be in a much better frame of mind. I haven’t been able to figure out what is causing me to feel so down, but I am working on it. Thanks for sharing; it’s good not to feel alone.
Thanks so much for this post! I discovered your blog this week after a friend at church asked if I could sew one of your rompers (She sent the picture; I had to dig to find it on the web). But I’ve felt the same way lately. I’ve started taking Vitamin D hoping that helps. Here’s to hoping spring arrives quickly and we all feel better soon!
Hallelujah! I needed this quote today. Thank you SO much for sharing it.
Thank you so much for posting that quote! It’s something I really needed to hear. I need to stop the negative talk about myself which often causes me to get in a funk. I’m still trying to learn to be content with who I am because I compare myself to others too often.
When I met you at the sewing summit, you and Liz, I was in awe of how talented and amazing you two are. (Still am) You are such a sweet and genuine person. I felt comfortable just talking to you, even though I was star struck. I understand the feelings of “not good enough” and comparing yourself to others. I still struggle with it, but I have to realize that I usually compare my weaknesses to their strengths. I realize that it isn’t fair to me or the other person when I do that. I find that when I focus on the things that I am good at and I am doing well help me get rid of the “not good enough” feelings. Kind of like counting your blessings instead of your complaints. It is hard and it is a work in progress, always. Thank you for sharing and for sharing your talent.
This is such an interesting a timely post. I too have felt very MEH since before Christmas. Even though everything is, well, okay, I just can’t shake the feeling of (pick one) I’m going to get fired, I’m a terrible Mother, I’m a terrible wife, I don’t deserve the life I have, I’m too old (that one’s true), I’m too fat, everybody’s mad because I should be training the dog because she jumps all over people, I spend too much money on fabric……..etc etc. We all could come up with a VERY LONG LIST.
But you make a good point–I think it does have a seasonal component. I live in rural Pennsylvania and we have had a very cold and snowy winter. Everyone has had colds. This stuff really is hard to cope with.
Come Spring, I think we will all feel better. Think about Easter dresses!!!!! But I think it would be wonderful to have a mid-winter sewing retreat at a spa or something, just to get us out of our own miserable heads.
Thank you for the wonderful post and everyone’s comments. (big sigh!) I am in so much of a funk these days (months). It happens every year at this time. I blame it on the winter blahs and try to do all the things one should do….exercise, vitamin D, pep talks, etc. This winter seems to be a bit rougher than past. I like the idea of hanging that wonderful quote where I can read it every day. Done! And Thank you again. I am not alone and that helps a lot.
Is it a winter thing? I don’t get it every year…but it does seem to only happen before or after the holidays.
We can dig out together!!!! We seriously are in the same boat.
Thank YOU for sharing….I was feeling very alone, and very nervous to talk about it today.
April, Vitamin D…..of course, I am going to try it!!!
I totally remember meeting you (I love your name!) and I completely agree with everything you said. Brilliant thoughts….
ME TOO!!!!
Thanks Robyn for helping me feel not alone….really.
Easter dresses? YESSSS!!!! And a sewing and spa retreat? DOUBLE YES! Next winter…let’s plan it 😉
And I have the same dog problem……and the same list. IF you have any brilliant dog ideas, I would love to try them.
I think it would help if we could, for one day, see ourselves the way others do!
You are amazing. We all know so:)
Whenever I start slipping towards a funk, I remind myself that I am fortunate to live in a life where my daily struggles do not concern how I am going to survive or feed my children. I think about how lucky I am to be able to even contemplate my contentment and happiness in life. It’s probably very safe to assume that you and the other women posting here are generous, caring, and very loving wives, mothers, sisters, and so on. Value who you are and everything that you do already! Take something off your to-do list! Spend a day doing nothing and feel great about it!