Let me explain….
No wait.
It’s too weird…and it doesn’t make any sense.
Let’s just do this: I am going to tell you a story. A true story. A strange story that involves swants, gold spandex, faux fox fur, Instagram, a guy named Stone, and of course Elizabeth and I. And hopefully you know us well enough by now that when I say Elizabeth and I and a story you understand that of course its going to be strange and you won’t find any amount of gold spandex and faux fur unnatural.
Now, with that said. Let’s begin.
Wednesday night Elizabeth and I were at a dinner hosted by ulive (which is a really cool company) and were sitting next to Andrea, Melly, and Jessica when the subject of swants came up. What are swants you ask? Well….Swants are one of the worlds worst ideas…they are pants made out of sweaters… and before we knew it we were looking at photos of men modeling these swants…and laughing…a lot…too much…and that’s when the photos of the mens leggings started to show up….more laughter…way more…and that’s when things started to get weird (er).
Stone, a really nice guy that works for ulive came over to where we were sitting to see what all the commotion was…and then he saw the swants…and the mens leggings…and then I said he should get a pair and then he said I should sew him a pair and then one thing led to another and before I knew what was happening Stone and the crew from ulive had devised a contest between Elizabeth and I to see who could make Stone the worst pair of pants by morning.
And they decided to call this ugly pants project “The Liz Off”
What the “Liz Off” consisted of is Elizabeth and I each going home that night and sewing Stone a terrible pair of pants. We would then bring these pants back to ALT with us in the morning. Stone would then take turns wearing these pants and getting photos of himself wearing the little beauties around the conference. Those photos would then be posted on Instagram and which ever pair of pants got the most likes would win.
And so when dinner ended (at 10:30) that night we started on our 30 minute trip back home to get sewing. But that is when we realized we didn’t have the right kind of fabric to make crazy pants.
So where do you go if you need some wack a doo fabric when it’s almost midnight? To Wal-Mart of course! Which is exactly where we went. And where Elizabeth purchased some gold spandex and I picked up some stretch velvet.
By the time we got home and started sewing it was well after midnight…
However, by morning we each had sewn up something special for Stone.
For my pants I was inspired by “What Would the Fox Say?”. They are black velvet lounge leggings complete with faux fur tail, gloves, and wrist cuffs. Ring a ding ding.
Elizabeth went for SOLID GOLD. Crafting a pair of golden spandex harem pants with polka dot cuffs and feathered tuxedo stripes. And then to top off the ensemble she created a matching gold infinity scarf. Delightful, simply delightful.
It may just rank up there with one of the stranger things I’ve done…sewing velvet leggings in the middle of the night for a man I just met…yea, that just doesn’t even sound right.
Anyways fast forward to today. Today they are still letting people vote on their favorite ugly pants…to vote all you do is go to Instagram and use the hashtag #lizoff and find the ulive photo of Stone that you like best and click like.
Easy…and we want you to vote…but shield your eyes…those pants are nothing but badness!!! And if you go vote (“like” your favorite) come back and leave us a comment here on the blog telling us you did it. Then you will be entered to will a swag bag full of goodies from ulive, some gold spandex and some faux fur to make your own little tail!
So weird…so not an experience we expected at ALT…so a situation that we would totally get ourselves involved in.
Nothing we do is normal. End of story.
VOTED.. OH boy!!! is all I have to say! LOL
Wow…the decision was almost as hard as this season of PR&P…just kidding. You ladies really outdid yourselves:)
oh the sparkles and fox gloves, how can you choose? So funny!
Wish I could, but I’m not on instagram, and I don’t even see a way to sign up!
Those are awesome.
I voted for the gold because SHINY!
voted. oh my goodness. 🙂
“What did the Fox say?” OOOh LaLa!!
Thanks for the great sense of humor on a Friday.
Kudos to Stone for being a good sport. 🙂
Voted! So funny! Thanks for the morning laugh!
Hilarious. The gold (in terms of wonderful awfulness) just barely eked out the fox. So funny.
Badness, indeed! But so totally funny!! 🙂
Thank you for this explanation! I almost commented on IG last night trying to get an explanation of the #LizOff. The pictures were hilarious, and I did vote for the gold number by Elizabeth — the addition of the fur on pant threw me over the edge. Thanks for the giveaway!
Great, great story!! I voted… for the goldness! 🙂
Sad: I’m not on instagram. Please share the pics on your blog, too. I sooo want to see them. Love the story!
Wow… The gold infinity scarf won me over.
I voted! PS 10:30 at night is probably the best time to buy gold spandex and stretch velvet 🙂
only you two!!! I voted (probably more than once….)
I have to say I voted for the fox…that tail…
You can see their instagram account on the right of the page. Just click on the pink camera button. LiZ’s “what does the fox say” outfit is one their but the gold-a-licious is not. You can also go to this link to see them. http://instagram.com/ulivevideo
Hope that helps!
You can see their instagram account on the right of the page. Just click on the pink camera button. LiZ’s “what does the fox say” outfit is on there but the gold-a-licious by Elizabeth is not. You can also go to this link to see them. http://instagram.com/ulivevideo
Hope that helps!
Oh my gosh. Those are both AWFUL and so hilarious! Nicely done!
Oh to spend a weekend with you and see what kind of mischief you get into! I voted while laughing out loud.
I’m not on instagram (dang old fashioned Piece Of Crap phone).
I clicked on the side, though and a few photos came up. They look fabulous.
Oh my! Those outfits are so special! *hahahaha*
I just created an account to see them…TOTALLY worth it!
My husband always says I like anything that sparkles! The gold pants really shine!
I’ve voted! You girls are brilliant!
I joined instagram just so I could see them and vote. I’m totally amazed at your talent to bust those outfits out in one night.
I voted! How fun and random…
Wow, just wow!!!!!
My 4 year old wants the fur cuffs and tail.
Those fox pants got my vote! Seriously crazy fun!
Oh my goodness! What a hot mess! I can’t stop laughing. I voted!
Love this story and soooo want to see these pants but I don’t have instagram! Please post on your blog so I can see all the GORY details! What a HOOT! (Did NOT vote–don’t count me!)
Oh my word! So fun! The shiny pants make my day!
First I want to say how excited I am I got to meet both you. Then I want to say why on earth didn’t anyone come and get me to see this! I am totally bummed out I miss out on all the fun. You both are the best.
I’m so impressed at your work in just a few short hours!!
Thanks for sharing your thoughts about cellulite rid.