Last Thursday, over on Facebook we realized that we had over 5,100 likes…and that made us happy…so we decided to do a giveaway!
Pork Rinds anyone?
Just kidding.
But it has to do with the giveaway.
To enter the giveaway we asked you to leave us a comment telling us about the weirdest gift you’ve ever received for Christmas. Me? I’ve gotten some seriously strange gifts…but my favorites come from my brothers…like my collection of horrifying meat products.
(I’m not a big fan of meat, never have been but my brothers are and one brother in particular likes to gift me scary meaty things when ever he can. Like this jar of pork rinds he gave me for my birthday this year. Yum yum.)
Anyways, after we asked you what your strangest received gifts were you didn’t let us down…and we spent the remainder of the afternoon laughing every time we checked the computer. Here are some of our favorite comments:
Amy said:
“I received a beautiful diamond wedding ring one Christmas… From one of my second grade students! When I returned it to his mom that day, she cried- it had been missing for two weeks.”
Marilyn said:
“The first year that we were married, my husband gave me a box full of outlet and switch covers…that was 41 years ago!”
Carolyn said:
“A basket made from dried sea weed. Even the ocean didn’t want it anymore.”
April said:
“A partially used bottle of new kids on the block perfume!”
Alyssa said:
“Underwear from my boyfriend’s stepmom (everyone got underwear, but still)”
Jennifer said:
“One year we went to visit my grandma in Mexico. She forgot to get me a present so after my sister opened her gift of 3 pairs of underwear my grandma pulled one of the pairs and gave it to me. Then told my sister she’d get her something else to make up for it. I felt really special!”
Katie said:
“Expired Hamburger Helper.”
Kathy said:
“I got a library tape that I had to return in one week.”
Jamie said:
“My dad has a really weird sense of humor. Instead of a stocking I once got a white tube sock stuffed with beef jerky & slim jims.”
And seriously, all of them were this funny…and we appreciated it.
If you follow our ramblings over on Facebook you’ll know that I had my purse stolen on Tuesday night. It had gift cards, house keys, my wallet and all over our grocery money in cash (aside from a pile of other things) inside of it. And it’s all gone.
When we wrote the post about a giveaway over on Facebook I was right in the middle of doing things like getting the locks on our house changed and getting a new drivers license. It wasn’t fun…and it hasn’t been. And then to top it all off Grace, Ruth, and I all ended up with high fevers and serious colds…and both of the humidifiers died…and then the vacuum died…and it all seemed like a little too much.
And I was frustrated. And sick. And tired.
But every time I looked on Facebook I started to laugh.
You ladies killed me…and cheered me up all at the same time.
So thank you. Thank you for stopping by our blog, thank you for “liking” our Facebook page, and most of all, thank you for leaving us comments. We appreciate it and it makes our day.
Now before I move on to our next item of business we need to announce the winner of the random giveaway and that person is:
Jill Tadros who said:
One sock. One. Not a pair of. One.
(Jill we will be emailing you soon to get your mailing address!)
Now remember when I said my purse was stolen?
Well, coincidentally enough when it was stolen I was talking on the phone to Elizabeth about the “Ultimate Movie Giveaway” that our friend Kimbo is doing…and about the movie I just bought to give away:
A Series of Unfortunate Events
No, I am not kidding.
A Series of Unfortunate Events.
We were talking about that movie and how fitting it is for us and all the calamities that seem to befall us WHEN MY PURSE GOT STOLEN!!!!
It’s a cruel irony I tell you. A cruel irony.
But it’s an awesome giveaway.
Check it out:
Kimbo’s organized a group of bloggers to give away some of their favorite movies and some goodies to go along with them and one lucky person is going to win the whole thing!
So head on over to A Girl and a Glue Gun and to enter to win this fun package!
Just do it…it will make me happy.
Oh yeah, and here’s what we are contributing to the giveaway:
The movie, 3 yards of vintage ribbon, and 3 hair bows.
Appropriate. Very, very appropriate.
And just for the record…my hair is currently tied up…
One of the things that brings me to your blog is your humor and outrageous stories. I am so sad to hear that not only did your purse get stolen but everything else that followed! Thank goodness for your sense of humor and the timing of your post to ask about crazy gifts. I hope you get all the grueling business handled with your purse situation and you are all feeling better soon.
How terrible about your purse! You have my sympathy. My mom’s was stolen out of her desk at work once. (She worked at a university) While it was a pain to have to get new driver’s licenses and cancel credit cards and all that, the one thing she was most upset about was the coin purse she had in it that had belonged to her mother who had passed away not to long before. (Her purse was found and returned to her several years later when the police in the town raided a house suspected to be inhabited by a group of drug dealers. All the cash was gone, but if I recall correctly everything else was there although I don’t remember if the coin purse was or not since it had been full of change.)
Here’s hoping that things are looking up and continue to do so.
When it rains it pours! I am so sorry that your purse was stolen and your were sick and all the rest of the terrible things. Gosh I feel your pain, sister.
Our youngest just had strep throat and scarlet fever, and our washing machine broke, and my husband’s car battery died, and then the same child got “wry neck” from the sickness (where she couldn’t move her head for a week) AND an online store that we purchased a TV part (oh yeah, our TV died too) from got hacked and our debit card info was stolen. That was all at the same time. We are just coming out of this series of unfortunate events. I hope next week is better for all of us!!
Keep laughing! Those stories had me cracking up too:)