I had well-intended plans of doing a bigger photo shoot for this costume. I knew exactly where I wanted to go (I found an awesome older golf course nearby that had the perfect rolling hills) but good intentions were a bust when this girlie caught a bad cold over the weekend and didn’t feel good at all. So, for most of the weekend she was watching old movies and coughing. Poor thing. But she still wanted to do some pictures….so, we went to our usual picture-stomping-ground and snapped 4 pictures and hurried home to the warm house.
Her costume is made out of a simple bodice pattern with front darts (more info on that soon 😉 and then I matched up a darted skirt for the bottom. I actually cut open the front darts to attach the black and white striped fabric ties in place and then semi-draped the skirt on her so that it would match up to the front and back darts perfectly.
The straight skirt ends just below her knee so she can walk easily and then we added a circle piece for the bottom ruffle (it’s actually a 3/4ths circle, the full circle was a bit weird looking). The black and white striped band (yay for Riley Blake striped fabric! I want EVERY color) at the bottom was a tube sewn on top and top-stitched down and then I hand-sewed the bow on.
The collar and sleeves have a bit of vintage eyelet to mimic the lace of Eliza Doolittle’s dress. I originally wanted to do the full-lace effect of her original dress, but I am out of lace and when I priced it new at over $10 a yard….I decided to just stick with the white Kona cotton. Much cheaper and I think it is just as cute.
The hat….I think it’s my favorite part of the costume. I think any white dress would do (last minute costume idea?) and then just add the hat and you are automatically My Fair Lady.
And I will tell you a secret. The hat cost me $5 and was SUPER easy……the base is a black witch’s hat and then I just added on a black and white-interfaced-band around it and glued on a circle for the top. We did gussy it up with some dollar store red and pink boas, some super fluffy tulle bows and another black and white bow to top it off. We found we needed the tulle bow around the chin to keep it on (it’s a bit heavier with all the do-dads) but I actually love the look of the big bow under her chin.
I did snap one picture as I was making the hat so you can see the band with the interfacing to help it stand up.
You just need lots of hot glue!
And now all she has to say is “Come on Dover…..”
(but I think we will leave out the ending to that sentence 😉
Absolutely loverly!!! I think you checked and double checked all of Hannah’s must haves. Bravo.
AMAZING!!! I was super in love with the Morton Salt Girl but this is genius!!! Great job!!!
Thanks ladies…..I still think Morton Salt Girl is one of my all-time favorites 😉
WOW absolutely adorable!!!!!!!
Wow! I am impressed. Way to go. You did tell her to keep to the subjects of Health and the Weather right?
That made me laugh….I do love that movie. I need to tell her!
Beautiful as always!
My oldest LOVES this movie. What a fabulous idea!
Oh, Wow this is beautiful!!! Never would have guessed the hat base was a witch’s hat!
She looks the part 🙂 I bet she feels fabulous!
Spectacular! Love how you made the hat, too! Bet she is the envy of all the other trick or treaters!
Stunning! She looks fabulous!
Love it!
Of course one of my all time hands down favorites. My version is between girls right now…Ava is still a bit too small. Love yours–and that hat is genius. Way easier than the complicated hanger wire and fabric thing I made!!!
Of course one of my all time hands down favorites. My version is between girls right now…Ava is still a bit too small. Love yours–and that hat is genius. Way easier than the complicated hanger wire and fabric thing I made!!!
Such a classic movie, and one of my favorites so I am in love with this! I think your little one looks amazing, I can’t get over how perfectly she looks!
ADORABLE!!!! I was begging Ella to be Elisa for Halloween!